Chapter 14

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The landscape was dark and quiet. Lakes of lava glowed and churned far below the island of netherrack, lighting the bottom with a red glow. Atop the highest hill of the island sat a citadel-like castle of nether brick. It looked almost identical to a Nether fortress, but something about it--maybe the way lava flowed down its sides, or the way that blaze spawners were put upon pedestals adjacent to the main walkway--made it look more threatening and dangerous than a fortress.

From the distance, a lone skeleton approached the acropolis. She looked around and shifted her bow from one bony hand to another. She didn't know which she prefered better--the Overworld, with its burning sun and more common skeletons, or the Nether, with constant darkness and tall, proud wither skeletons to get in her way and tease her about being pale and small.

But of course, if they knew who she was, they would run for the portals.

She continued down to the edge of the floating island, where two blazes stood. "Enter, Colonel," one said with its raspy voice.

She passed the two fiery apparitions without casting them a glance. She stepped onto the cold nether brick stairs and glided up the staircase. A pair of wither skeletons blocked the entrance with their swords crossed traditionally.

"Step aside," she snapped. The left one did, but the second one hesitated a few second too long. She aimed her bow in lightning speed and shot two arrows at his chest. He stepped back, flashing from the damage and at low health. He hastily moved aside for the skeleton to pass.

If the outside was as scary as a puppy, the inside was the alpha wolf. The ceiling was dozens of brick blocks high, with pillars of lava falling down into pits that spilled into the lava lakes below. The cries of ghasts made their presence known outside of the walls, and blazes stood guard on the sides of the walkway leading to the throne ahead.

On the quartz and nether brick throne adorned with the skulls of hostile mobs sat a figure clothed like a player. He sat on the throne with comfort and stared at the skeleton with curiousity but also arrogance. She was used to it. She was a mob. They didn't have emotions complex enough to be annoyed by his display of self-importance. She was devoted. Period.

"Well, Serefire? What news do you bring of the village?" The figure said.

"One of the siblings made it to the village, but the other one was killed by the General in an explosion, as was Aldis," she reported.

The figure's eyes glowed dangerously bright and he emitted an annoyed growl. "I hate that man."

"Me too."

"What power did the survivor inherit? Or was the dead one the one with the abilities?"

"No, sir, the survivor is pyrokinetic. And, there are slight complications..."

"What?" The white-eyed figure said, sitting up. "What complications?"

"Well... the survivor, Faolan, I think his name is... he is traveling with another villager." Serefire explained. "I'm not sure on the details; but I know that she is not a Descendant."

"Are you sure? Completely sure?" He asked, his tone dripping with intentness.

Colonel Serefire shifted, uncomfortable. "No, sir. I apologize. I am not 100% sure of her bloodlines. The scan was broken, and that's why they let her into the village."

He said something crossly under his breath in an ancient language. "Curse it. I've been trying to keep that place safe, and now its security has been complicated."

"We don't know that anything bad has happened. Storm made it sound like it was a simple malfunction."

"Don't question me. My glimpses of the future haven't been about rainbows and sunshine, Serefire. I trust that you are not hiding anything from me."

"Never, master," she exclaimed, and added more subtly, "but I do believe that something is coming. I cannot tell what. None of our scouts know. If you'd like, I could fetch Crimson and have you escorted to the Overworld to see for yourself..."

"No, no, that won't be necessary," he replied. He didn't need his horse at the moment. "Get more information on Faolan's companion. I want a full biography of her by the end of this week. Is the mission understood, Colonel?"

Serefire bowed and said in her stony voice, "It will be done. I will have some of my kind report."

"Good," Herobrine said.

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