Chapter 13

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Faolan yelped and frantically waved his hands, but the flames dissipated before he even moved. He stared, shocked, at his un-charred hand.

"Lucky you," JP said. "You're pyrokinetic."


"It means that you control fire," he explained quickly. "You have a natural immunity to it, also. Try summoning it again."

Faolan looked back at his hand and simply willed it to catch fire. Sure enough, flames burst to life on his hand, flickering and smoking. He looked at JP proudly, and he smiled back in admiration.

"Wow... this is... Thanks!" Faolan exclaimed.

It did make sense. There were a few times that made sense that he'd have this power. Like the time when part of the building burned down, and his parents were out shopping. He had to tackle Celeste to the floor and they hid behind an overturned table until the flames were put out. The surprising thing was that they were found in the open, the table in ashes. They had both been miraculously unharmed. No one (except their parents) knew what happened.

Now, it made sense.

Above the arena, Bridget called out, "Congrats, Faolan!"

"Thanks," he said back, shyly.

JP suddenly tossed him a wooden sword, which he fumbled and caught. "Alright, now that you've got your power, how about we train a little? With abilities."

He nodded. "Sure."

By the time that he had finished, JP was sprinting at him, and Faolan lashed out with the sword. JP dodged and landed a blow on his left before feinting right. Faolan spun around and managed to shoot a little spurt of fire at JP's orange hair. He ducked easily--but still looked impressed--and pointed his sword at Faolan's chest. There was a brief rumble, like a cat growling, and a thin bolt of energy shot from the edge of the blade and hit him. He stumbled back and patted out the flames on his sweatshirt, knowing that it wouldn't hurt him. He controls lightning, Faolan realized.

"You want to play like that?" Faolan said, teasingly. He shot another stream of fire at JP's feet, and also leapt forward with his sword. JP jumped back to avoid the flames but wasn't ready for the strike. He took the damage and landed another one on Faolan's shoulder. He jumped. The blow seemed to send an electric shock through him.

With a burst of energy, Faolan blocked JP's next attack and landed his own. Then, he raised his arms and shot a white-hot blast of fire at JP. He skidded back into the wall and after a few moments of silence, raised one hand feebly.

"Alright, stop it," he said weakly. "You win. Geez, man, I haven't seen someone fight as hard as that since last July."

Faolan laughed and helped him up. "How's your health?"
"Heh. Probably about two points from dead. But I have golden apples. My next session isn't until dusk. You should probably get back to your house. Sapphire will probably be waiting. She'll be glad to hear about your victories. Make sure not to burn the house down, while you're at it.

Faolan shook his hand and said, "I'll try my best. It's cobble, though; it'll take a lot to set it ablaze."

"Take care, you two," he replied and went over to a chest and started to rummage through it.

Faolan went out of the arena and met up with Bridget at the top of the stairs, who was fiddling anxiously with her braid.

"Are you alright?"

"What? Yeah, I'm fine. I'm great!"

"Okay," Bridget said. "That's good. I don't want to you die."

He stopped. "Die? I'm not going to die. If I keep training with JP, I'll be as good as you and Sapphire."

Somehow, her hand slipped into his. "I know. But still. This is dangerous."

"I know," he said quietly. "Stop worrying about me. I'll be fine."



They walked back to the house, and Faolan felt so warm that he was afraid that his hands would catch fire again. His face felt surely hot enough.

And the whole way back, their hands never broke apart.

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