Chapter 31

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Faolan watched as the Descendants and monsters flowed off the Ender Dragon on both sides, weapons out. They rushed towards Bridget and her allies, who also had their own blades and bows drawn. He saw them collide just in time to remember Bridget's order to the kid he had sheltered. Release Dark Star.

He spun around to see the boy already halfway towards the giant gap in the wall. He was sprinting as fast as he could, vest fluttering in the hot wind. Faolan pursued him, but the boy was fast. In a moment of luck, he managed to shoot a sphere of fire at the boy's foot. He yelped and tripped, tumbling a block or two and causing his iron sword to skid away and get lodged in the sand underfoot.

Quickly, Faolan took out his enchanted blade aimed a blow at the kid's shoulder. He rolled away and grabbed his own sword. The kid raised it just in time and blocked Faolan's iron sword from crashing down on him.

He didn't like this. He didn't want to hurt this kid. But what else could he do?

Sadly, in the moments of hesitation between one blow and the next, the boy scrambled out from beneath him and got back up. He continued sprinting towards the hole. Faolan ran after him, but when he saw the boy glance back, his speed faltered.

From what he had seen in the brief moment and the slit of skin between the bandana around his face and his own brown hair, the kid's eyes were bright with fear, like that of a cornered animal. Faolan almost recalled his fight with Cassanova and her patrol that one night... and his first kill. That had been because that guy had attacked him. He was an adult. He made the first move. Was Faolan going to have to kill this kid?

"Wake up, slow slug!" JP exclaimed from behind him. Faolan jumped as he ran past him.

JP paused and raised one hand up towards the sky, and in moments, there was a deafening CRASH! and a bolt of lightning shot down a few blocks away from the kid. This time, he screamed and slammed into the wall. JP continued running, determined to handle the boy.

He's got it under control, Faolan told himself and looked around. The Dragon was swiping its massive paw at Bridget's allies, but it was obvious that this thing was too big and that putting it up to fight tiny villagers wasn't going to be the best method.

The Sapphire's group and the monsters were pushing back Bridget's Descendants. Serefire stood atop a pillar of sand, along with a few blazes, who shot enchanted arrows and fire charges at their foes. Both Serefire and Sapphire continued to yell in that weird language, probably orders. Their opponents were starting to get cramped. Hopefully JP would be able to hold off--

Suddenly, Faolan froze as there was a loud, creaking noise coming from behind him. He turned, afraid of what he would see, just in time to see the worst. The boy was lying against the wall--alive, but not in the best shape--close to a wooden button. He must have pressed it with the little strength he had. JP was nearby, staring in horror at the many hidden pistons and redstone contraptions that started to slowly open the gap in the wall.

There were no footsteps like he imagined there would be with something to fit through that huge opening. But just in time to realize what that could mean, a creeper emerged. But it wasn't normal. It's mottled green skin was more cyan-colored, with turquoise streaks and sea green specks. It was about ten blocks high, maybe more, and its eyes scanned everyone with a little bit more intelligence than the average creeper.

Faolan almost screamed. So this was Dark Star. No wonder Herobrine sounded so irritated when he knew that he was in Bridget's custody.

Behind him, the dragon roared furiously. It stomped towards the creeper, silver wings outstretched in an attempt to make her look bigger. The creeper, Dark Star, glared at her with its cobalt-black eyes. Sudden explosions almost a dozen blocks away from him erupted in the sand, sending the Ender Dragon into another howling fit. The wind only ruffled Faolan's hair, but the dragon took to the air. She swooped at Dark Star viciously, gray jaws open, showing teeth as long as Faolan himself.

JP was already running away. But the boy was still too low on health to make any effort of escape. Just as he summoned the courage to go and help and start running towards him, JP ran past him, yelling, "What are you doing?!"

But Faolan kept running.

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