Chapter 41

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The clouds cleared by the next morning, letting the bright rays shine on the village. Faolan blinked open his eyes and looked out the window. He had missed the sunrise. Dang it, he cursed.

Hastily, he tore back his covers and got ready for the day. He'd probably go and see if Sapphire or JP were up to a hunt.

Downstairs, making himself a bit of rabbit stew, he jumped as someone knocked loudly on the door. Faolan walked over and opened it to see Onix standing there, short black hair a mess. A healing cut stretched down her sleeve all the way to her glove. She was about to burst with excitement.

Faolan rubbed his head, obviously still sluggish. "Hey, Onix. What's got you so excited?"

Onix grinned and said, "The mission was a success!"

"Storm's patrol to your village?" She exclaimed. "It was quick and easy! The General is dead!"

"That's great news!" Faolan said with a burst of energy. "What about Cassanova?"

Onix looked away but smirked. "Caught in Storm's explosion."

He smiled sadly. "She'll be missed."

"Storm knew it was dangerous. I just hope she has a good afterlife."


Onix waved goodbye and was on her way. Faolan went back inside to finish his stew, which had turned cold. But it didn't matter. The excitement of the General's assassination was too big of a success for him to turn unhappy. Do you hear that, Celeste? He thought. They killed the General. I hope that relieves you.

Another bang at the door jolted him out of his memories, and Sapphire peeked through the doorway.

"You gotta stop doing that," he said, jokingly.

Sapphire shrugged and went fully into his house. "It's not like anyone's going to rob you."

Faolan put away his bowl. "Fair enough. What are you doing today?"

"Not sure. Want to hunt?"

He nodded and they were off. They went out of the village, swords in hand. After Ellie's untimely death, Amia had taken over gate duty on her days. Karen was atop the walls, her hands full with cobblestone as she added something overhanging... archer stands, maybe? She gave them a wave before they disappeared into the forest.

Faolan and Sapphire treaded on silent feet. The few cows they'd come across had no chance. Faolan was just picking up a piece of leather when Saphire leaned against the tree.

"Are you feeling okay?" She asked.

He looked at her, confused. "Of course. Why?"
She shrugged again. "Just wondering."

"Are you okay?" Faolan countered, playfully.

Sapphire smiled. "Sure. Even Bridget's settling well?"

"Is Jason settling well?"

They stared at each other before bursting into a fit of laughter. Sapphire crossed her arms. "Alright, you got me there. What about the news with Onix?"

Faolan grinned. "Doing great. I'm happy that the score was settled. It's surprising how much effect one person's decision can have on other people."

She nodded. "You obviously don't miss him."

"Nope!" He exclaimed. "Not one bit."

"Celeste will rest well."

There was an awkward moment of silence. Faolan nervously flickered a spurt of flame on and off in the palm of his hand.

"Sore subject?"

Faolan shrugged. "I try not to think about it too much. But you're right. She's happy; I can tell. I know her well enough."

"So you miss the village, still?"

Faolan locked his gaze on hers, not stern, but focused. "I miss my restaurant. I miss the simplicity. I miss Celeste. But that village is not my home anymore. It's been poisoned by the General's actions. Of course, I can't go back, but I can remember my good times there, with Celeste, with my parents. But it's gone now. My home is here. With JP, with Amia, with Gale, with Karen. With you."

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