Chapter 26

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The blackness passed in a terrifying moment he opened his eyes to find him... somewhere. He was swirled in silver mist that snaked up his legs and dissolved into the air. He looked around. Nothing moved. For as far as he could see, the silver mist was stretched out like a blanket over the unknown terrain. He waved his hand through the mist, and it shifted a little.

"Hello?" He called. His voice seemed to echo across the area.

And as if on cue, the fog began to lift. Very slowly. He didn't notice it at first until the green of grass started to be visible underfoot and the shadowy shapes of trees appeared. The mist was still there, though; more like an upside down dome--forming almost a shield in his vicinity as if it thought it could protect them.

Faolan bit his lip. What kind of dream was this? He started to feel restless; what could come out of the mist? Monsters? People? Bridget's allies? He stepped forward and saw the mist clear, like it didn't want to be stepped on. Faolan took another looked around. He heard and saw nothing but the mist and the grass and the silhouettes of oak trees. This must be a plains biome, or a forest one, maybe, he pondered.

There was a noise in the distance, like someone calling out. Faolan froze. It almost seemed familiar in a way. He tried to pinpoint its direction, but it seemed to be everywhere.

He flinched. There it was again... but it was slowly getting closer.

Faolan tried to draw his sword but didn't find it in his inventory. If whatever is coming is hostile, I don't stand a chance. Unless...

He raised one hand and ignited a churning ball of fire in the palm of his hand. The mist seemed to steam and recoil, almost doubling the fogless radius around him. It cast a rosy light on the ground and the fog.

Then, the voice shouted again, seeming a little more excited. He started to hear footsteps on the ground until he knew that they were approaching fast. A silhouette appeared in the distance, on the edge of the treeline. It was a guy. Unarmed. The details became clearer and clearer the closer that he got to Faolan. Short-cropped hair, striped shirt, pale skin... his name was on the tip of Faolan's tongue until he saw the relieved but sly, beaming smile.

"Faolan!" The villager called.

"JP!" He yelled, overcome with joy.

JP skidded to a halt about half a dozen blocks away. "Oh, thank Notch I've found you! I've been looking everywhere!" He exclaimed and panted, hands on his knees.

Faolan grumbled, "I'm not very much in the mood for thanking Notch right now."

His friend straightened up, staring at him with inquisitive blue eyes. "Why not?"

He quickly summed up his experience with Bridget and he bloodline, Sky and America, Amia's fake death and mission, and how he was still inside the dungeon-cell somewhere. JP pursed his lips, arms crossed thoughtfully.

"Well... that's definitely not good news. I'm surprised that you're here, though," he said.

Faolan glanced around again. "Where is 'here,' anyway?"

"Oh, this? This is the Dream Realm. Only really experienced or special villagers, like Descendants or people with powers, can enter the Dream Realm while sleeping. Few can even do it awake. I've been searching both here and in the real world for you, since you've been gone for so long. About four days," he added when he saw Faolan about to ask. "But anyway, people who can enter this place are called dream-walkers. You've never been here before?"

Faolan shook his head. "Never."

"Interesting. Well, the others will be glad to hear this."

"Who are they?"

JP counted on his fingers. "Me, Sapphire, Gale, Hunter, Karen, and Onix are the only known dream-walkers in the village. There might be a few others, but I'm not sure. Some of us split up a while ago. I don't know where they are."

Faolan shrugged. "Well, I don't know either. I just--" Suddenly, there was a flashing pain on the back of his head as he was smacked by a hand.

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