Chapter 21

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There was a streak of movement in front of them that managed to knock Amia and Faolan backwards. The white-haired girl stopped and stared as they picked themselves up.

"Don't do this, Bridget," Faolan said. "This won't help anyone."

"But it will," she replied. "And I can only do it if you cooperate."

He was about to reason with her some more, but Amia exclaimed, "I'd rather die than help you with this!"

The other girl with the brown hair lunged forward, an iron sword in hand. Amia was completely unprepared for the attack. The girl swung the blade at her neck, but Amia ducked. She got a blow in on the shoulder before jumping back to Bridget's side. Her dog growled.

"You should know that even if you do die, I absorb a small amount of your power," Bridget sneered. "You're on the losing side."

"How long have you done this?" Faolan asked.

"Years. You wouldn't believe how stubborn you Descendants of Herobrine can be sometimes."

Bridget raised her arm again and he had just enough time to yell, "Duck!" before another field of blue energy burst out and would have thrown both of them to the opposite walls.

"You can't run forever," she growled and turned to her allies. "Sky, take Amia with Flint. America and I have Faolan."

The purple-eyed girl nodded and ran at Amia again, her dog--Flint, probably--close behind. The other girl nodded and adjusted her beanie before racing at Faolan.

He let his hands burst into flame and shot a stream at where he thought her path would lead. She evaded the fire and leapt at him, scoring a long mark down his arm with the sword he didn't see her draw. Off to his right, Amia was frantically nocking arrows in a desperate attempt to hit the brown haired girl, Sky. But she was too fast, landing blows and jumping back while Flint landed savage bites.

"Amia!" He cried out.

Faolan swung his sword, managing to hit the white-haired girl, America, while she was at a pause. He tried to run over to Amia, but America dashed in front of him and kicked him backwards with one booted foot. He stumbled back, clutching his ribs. He managed to hoarsely say Amia's name again before tripping over his own feet and landing on the stone floor. At best, his health was halfway gone. At worse, he was on death's doorstep.

Bridget broke away from America and looked to face Amia. She raised her bow shakily and had the pointed shaft of an arrow aimed true at Bridget's head. Amia released the arrow, but Bridget sent out a burst of blue energy that blasted her into the pitch black shadows.

She didn't come out.

Faolan screamed, "Amia! Bridget, what is wrong with you?!"

She laughed. "Nothing! Nothing at all. Now will you let me absorb your power?"

"Never!" He exclaimed. But she showed no sign of fear, no sign that she was considering backing down.

She sent out another blast of energy, depleting his health even more and blowing his sword out of his hand. It skittered away by about a dozen blocks. His heart dropped.

Sky turned away from the shadows and stood next to Bridget. Her sword gleamed like sun on water. He was too numb with fear to take notice.

"This isn't going to solve anything," he tried to reason. "This will hurt people. A lot."

"Only if you refuse to give me your power!" Bridget snapped.

Faolan blinked and it dawned on him. He was outnumbered. Bridget couldn't be swayed. She, America, and Sky could kill him in moments if they wanted to. But he wasn't going to let her win. Not in the way she wanted.

Also, he knew what Celeste would say. Fight back, don't give in to these losers, she'd murmur. They're as worthless as the bullies at school. They don't give a thought to how you feel. They're greedy, selfish, and think you're disposable. Prove them wrong.

Smiling as Celeste's words echoed through his mind, he stared confidently at Bridget. Diving swiftly to his side, he grabbed the hilt of his iron sword. The faint iridescent violet glow indicating Sharpness I helped him get an idea that victory was possible.

He let one hand burst into flames and growled, "I refuse to grant you satisfaction. I don't know why I trusted you."

Even though his voice cracked with betrayal, Faolan leapt at the three, hand ablaze and sword drawn.

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