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Good Morning, Baby Boy!

Jiyong's POV

For an 18 year old, you would think that it's natural to get up late on a Saturday morning.

Not me.

I all but dragged my lifeless body from my king size bed just so I can join my parents for breakfast. Breakfast in our family is at 7:00am sharp and being the good boy that I am, I always make sure to arrive at the dining room a few minutes early to greet my parents. Yep, model son right here!

I've had no problems doing it for the past years but lately, it's been PURE TORTURE.

Curse Seungri for puking all over the back seat last night that I had to take my baby Bentley to a late night car wash delaying me further from going home. Also curse Top hyung for unleashing the full force of his eyes at the club that the ladies just kept coming at us (and who are we to resist, right? I can't blame them. If I'm gay, I'd fall in love with myself too.)

Let's add Youngbae to my cursed list too for dancing like a wild animal that we had to haul his ass off to the exit. I won't add Daesung though. He's a true angel. When the four of us are out of control, we always have our Dae-Dae to draw the line. We've been friends since kindergarten and I honestly don't know what I was thinking befriending those punks.

Kidding! I love those monkeys. Hahaha! Don't tell them I called them that. Anyways, let's go back to the story shall we...

So here I am, bored to death and waiting for my parents to arrive. I'm also sporting eye bags that'll rival our pet panda's (I'm talking about Seungri). I glanced at my Rolex watch just as my parents entered the room.

As always, my mom instantly came to my side. "What happened to my baby's eyes? You look so stressed." Mom said while examining my precious face. "You studied all night again did you? My baby boy is so hard working studying even though it's the weekend."

My mom kept pinching my cheeks and since I'm a well-known mama's boy, I just smiled at her angelically causing her to fuss over me even more.

"Honey, look! Our baby tired himself over studying again!" Mom told my dad who is currently reading the business section of the newspaper. "Son, I know you love to study and I'm not saying it's a bad thing but try to go out sometime and have fun, okay?"

"Yes, dad. I'll call the guys later and ask them to go out for coffee. That is, if any of them can still walk straight after the monster party we went to last night." I whispered the last part to myself.

PFFTTT! I can barely maintain my angelic facade. Wahahahahaha! Coffee? Really, Jiyong? Hahaha! If they only know where their baby boy was at last night. I bet my mom will go to coma 'cause of shock.

But of course, not only am I super good looking, I'm also a master of deception. So instead of laughing my head off, I just showed them my award winning smile and put food at my mom's plate.

After a few hours, my parents left to go to an emergency meeting and poor me was left all alone.

Baaahhh! As if! IT'S TIME TO PARTY!

I immediately called the monkeys and told them to go to the exclusive bar we always hang out at. Exclusive 'cause we don't want someone accidentally seeing baby boy and telling mommy and daddy. Genius right???

Wearing my signature smirk, I hopped on to my baby Bentley and drove to the bar singing "Heartbreaker".

"Ahh" I breathed. "This is the life."

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