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Continuation from Chapter 26

Aish! Why can't I sleep?

"Yah! Lee Seungri, snap out of it! Stop thinking about tomorrow!" I slapped my cheeks and buried my face on my pillow. It's currently 3 AM and like all the previous nights, I just can't make myself go to sleep. I can't stop worrying about what will happen tomorrow. 

What if... What if that violent cat woman r-r-. I can't say the R word. 

But what if she rejects me?!

You must be wondering what I'm talking about. Well, I can't tell you just yet but I can give you a hint. You see, since that encounter with Bom noona's friend, Chaerin, I haven't been able to get her out of my head.

For nights, weeks even, I wasn't able to get a single moment of peace without her head popping up everywhere I go. I've tried everything. I read books, I exercised, I drank some sleeping pills, and even slept with my old blankie, I've had it since I was 2 years old, but nothing worked. It is irritating, I tell you. My eyebags grew darker, I lost weight, and I can't concentrate on a single thing I do. 

In other words, I looked and felt like shit.

I even thought I inherited my grandmother's insomnia and had to endure a whole day waiting for a doctor to confirm that I was clear of the disorder.

When all things failed, I decided to call Bom noona, my last resort. I really didn't want to do it but I had no choice. When every method I thought of didn't work, I ended up with a conclusion that maybe... Just maybe.

I like CL. *insert sounds of screaming/plates breaking/thunder/evil laugh*

I know. But you can't really tell your heart who to like. So, I asked for her address and cellphone number and from then on, I would follow her everywhere she goes just to pester her. She deserves it. I can't sleep because of her so I made it my purpose in life to annoy the living daylights out of her just to get even.

It was fun and everyday is a new experience. I enjoy it so much that I failed to realize that I'm slowly falling for her. By the time I recognized the symptoms, it was too late to avoid it and I found myself smitten by my pretty, pretty Chaecat. *sighs dreamily*

Tonight, it seems like sleep is eluding me again. I managed to make her agree to meet me tomorrow but I still don't know if it's a good idea. I mean, proposing in public and risking public humiliation? 

'What if she doesn't come? I'll look stupid in that Ri-'

"Seungri, don't be scared." I chided myself.

Of course she likes me. Who doesn't?


"Fighting, Lee Seungri!!" I pumped my fist in the air for a confidence boost.

The next day...

''I still don't know why I'm here. I'm Lee Chaerin. I don't go on dates!" I grumbled as I pace on the sidewalk.

I already got a few weird looks but the hell I care. I'm starting to think that coming here is a bad idea. Why did I even consider going out with that panda?!

I was about to leave and cancel our date when out of nowhere a Rilakkuma mascot came my way and started dancing in front of me.

I know I'm Seoul's baddest female but I love this bear to bits so I forgot about leaving and instead focused all my attention to the dancing mascot in the middle of the street. So cute! 

After the song, I looked at my watch and felt my eyebrows connect when I saw that the panda's now 15 minutes late. The nerve! Could it be that he's only joking when he asked me out?

I'll kill him!

I started to head to my car when I felt someone touch me. I looked back and my eyes widen when I saw my Rilakkuma standing in front of me. I balled my fist in an attempt to contain my excitement with being face to face with my favorite character. Should I ask him to take a picture with me? Should I?

My inner fangirl is jumping up and down screaming in anticipation. It's always been my dream to have a picture with him.

I opened my mouth to ask him a favor when suddenly, he lifted his tiny arms and remove his head.I stand there gaping at the grinning, sweaty man in front of me.

"Surprised?" he asked.

It took me a moment to process his question but when I did, I nodded my head twice. I was too shock for words.

He smiled and held my head in both his fluffy hands. "Lee Chaerin, be my girlfriend." He said looking at me intently while still wearing that cute smile.

I couldn't help but smile back and pinch his cheeks. "Since you've embarrassed yourself in public for me , I guess you're mine."

"Can you do the dance again?"

He sighed and kissed my forehead then put his Rilakkuma head back on and started dancing.

I'm... happy. I definitely don't regret coming here. 

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