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Not well

Bom's POV

I asked Minzy and Chaerin to pick us up at the school. A couple of minutes after Dara fell asleep, it started to drizzle slightly so I called the girls to come immediately.

I'm sitting at the back of Chaerin's car with Dara's head on my lap. "Bommie, is she okay? She looks a bit pale." I glance down at Dara, "Oh my! She does look pale!" I moved her hair from her face to feel her forehead but instead saw a small, deep gash on the side of her head.

"Chaerin, bring us to a hospital."

"Huh? Why? Is she alright?"

"Just go!" We rushed Dara to the emergency room and was greeted by a flurry of nurses and doctors. "She has a deep gash on the side of her head. I just want to make sure it's taken care of." The doctor nodded and went to examine Dara.

"When was the last time the patient slept?" Minzy, Chaerin and I looked at each other. "Uh, to be honest, we really don't know. She just came back from a vacation today."

"I see. Well aside from the wounds on her head and foot, her condition is generally okay. Though by her looks, I can tell that she's suffering from a lot of stress and judging by those eyebags, she's not getting enough sleep. I recommend that she take a lot of rest and if possible, keep her from things that are causing her stress."

We were quiet on the way to Dara's house. By the looks of it, we're all wondering what might have happened to Jiyong and Dara during their trip to Jeju Island. To be honest, I already have an idea but I don't want to tell Minzy and Chaerin yet until I talk to my friend.

"Should we tell them?" Chaerin asked after long minutes of silence.

"I don't think that's a good idea. They might jump to conclusions and kill Jiyong oppa." Minzy answered glancing at me.

"I don't care. Honestly, I'd be glad if they kill that bastard. He's obviously the reason why Dara's hurt right now."

"But what if it's not Jiyong oppa? What will we do if Dara wakes up and found out that he's dead?"

"Of course it's Jiyong! If he isn't, he should have been with us looking for Dara instead of drinking himself to death. They're suppose to be in Jeju right now but obviously, something happened and they returned."

"I still think we should wait for Dara and let her make her decision."

"Whatever it is, it's connected to Jiyong and because of that, he'll pay." Chaerin was about to call Wooyoung but I made a last minute decision.

"Don't call him yet Chae. We'll bring Dara to my apartment instead. Don't inform them until I say so."

"But Bom he-"

"We'll wait for Dara to wake up and then it'll be up to her." Chaerin shooked her head in exasperation but nonetheless turn the car to head to my apartment.

Minzy visibly relaxed. Among the 4 of us, she has always hated violence the most.

It's been 6 hours and Dara still hasn't woken up. I got a call from Wooyoung earlier asking about her because Dara can't be contacted.

I panicked and told him the first excuse that came into my mind. That Dara is staying the night with me and is busy doing something in the bathroom. Lame, right? I know.

I can't be blamed since Wooyoung is Park clan's famous interrogator (next to Dara). I wasn't sure if he'll swallow my poorly constructed excuse but for some miraculous reason, he did.

"Is that so noona? Can you tell her that she's asked to go to Busan as soon as possible to take care of something?"

"A-ah, yes, Wooyoung-ah. I'll tell her once she's out."

"Thank you, noona! Bye." I gladly hung up the phone and put a hand on my chest in an attempt to slow down my heart beat.

"Gosh! I can't handle this." I almost jumped from my seat when the phone rung again. "Omo! Wooyoung again?! Did he found out?" I anxiously looked around the room for hidden cameras. Could they be watching us? I'm starting to get paranoid. I swear after this, I won't hide something from the clan ever again.

I glanced at the screen and got immense relief to see Tabi's name on it. "Tabi! Any news from Jiyong?" I heard him sigh on the other line. "About that, Ji just woke up and we talked to him..." He trailed off hesitantly.

My brows furrowed. I can feel he's about to say some bad news. "Well? Say it already!"

After Tabi told me what happened, I felt like crushing Jiyong's skull. I regretted stopping Chaerin earlier from calling Wooyoung. I hastily said goodbye and faced the girls to tell them what happened.

The three of us stared at each other silently. I somehow feel this is my fault for convincing Dara not to tell Jiyong that she knew him before they met at the club. I know Chaerin and Minzy feels the same way too. I didn't know Jiyong is gonna make such a big deal out of this.

I sadly cast my eyes at Ssantokki's sleeping figure. I'm sorry Dara.

"What shall we do?" Minzy asked breaking the silence.

"I say we tell the clan and let them take care of Jiyong." Chaerin suggested. They both looked at me expectantly, "Let's... let's go to Busan for a while."



"I figured Dara needs time to think. Besides, Wooyoung said she needs to sort out some trouble in Busan. In her present state, I won't let her go alone."

"You really think so, Bommie?"

"Yes. Dara needs it."

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