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Meet the father

Jiyong's POV


Kill me now! Don't prolong my agony!

I'm currently sitting in the living room of South Korea's most infamous gangster and I'm about to pee in my pants. I'm so nervous, my hands are shaking.

Dara's dad, along with his cronies, have been staring at me for the past 30 minutes. He's even tapping his fingers slowly on the armchair which is even adding to my distress.

I'm gonna be killed.

Dara just introduced me as her boyfriend and her dad is staring at me as if deciding the best method to my murder. I don't even want to imagine how he will react once I ask for his daughter's hand in marriage.

I just want to cower behind my girlfriend's back *I can call her MY GIRLFRIEND now. I'm so giddy hahaha* and stay there forever. How can this guy be her dad?! Sure, Dara's... a little bit scary but she's beautiful, adorable and practically every guys dream.

Her dad on the other hand is her total opposite. Well, he is good looking but the man is like the devil's incarnate.

You guys will probably hear about a young man's mutilitated body thrown carelessly into the Han river by tomorrow morning.

That'll be me.

Poor, handsome me. Just tell my Mom and Dad that I love them!

I slapped myself inwardly. Get a hold of yourself, Jiyong! You can do this! You're Kwon to the freaking Jiyong for heaven's sake.

Dad-in-Law *Yes, I will call him that secretly* cleared his throat and said "Fine. I'll allow you two to date." I sighed in relief and squeezed Dara's hand.

"But Dara, you'll have to bring chaperones with you everytime you go out with him."

My relief turned to disbelief.

B-but how can I kiss my beautiful Dara when we have a chaperone?

Scratch that.


They'll probably report everything we do to Dad-in-Law. Did I hear him right? Is he really serious?

'Yes, yes he is.'

There goes my Jiyong Jr.'s happiness.

"But dad! I can handle myself. I promise to break his bones if he does anything inappropriate." Dara appealed.

Go baby! Fight for our freedom! I was cheering for her mentally when her words registered in my mind.

Break my bones?

"I'm sure you'll do that, honeybuns. But the boys have got nothing to do lately and I'm  sure that they want to see some entertainment."

What the? Break my bones?! They really are father and daughter! I can see the same evil aura emanating from the two of them. Entertainment?! Haven't they heard of a freaking TV?


I'm confident of my feelings for Dara. I have never been this sure before in my life. I won't cheat on her, I'll take care of her very much and if this is what it takes to date her, then I'll do it. Simple as that.


"I think that's a good idea." I butted into their conversation.

They both turned their head to look at me and raised their eyebrows.

They really look like each other. "I think it'll be a good way to earn your Dad's trust." I told Dara and smiled at her.

I look at Dad-in-Law and found him smiling too. He, then, motioned for me to come near him.

Nervously, I stood up and walk towards my doom. Even though he's smiling, he still looks scary. When I reach his side, he stood up and have me a big hug. I was momentarily surprised for a few seconds but recovered and hugged him back.

"You better take care of my daughter or you'll find yourself floating in Han river." He whispered in my ear. I nodded and pulled back to look at him in the eye.

"I'll take care of her."

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