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Bom's POV

I didn't know how to react when I saw Dara staring blankly at Donghae's lifeless body. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy and insanely relieved that she is alright but seeing her right now, I can't help but think that something bad is about to happen.

If only Donghae didn't resort to this kind of blackmail. Stupid man!When we learned that he is the one who instigated all this, we all knew, right then and there, that hurting him will create a problem for the clan.

I wish things could have ended differently. Like Donghae accepting that Dara's not the one for him and moving on. But it didn't. The bastard is now dead and now I don't have any idea what Dara's gonna do about it.

With the look at her face, you would have thought that she lost the fight instead of winning it.

I'm sure the Lee clan won't take this sitting around because Donghae is their successor and with him dead, well, let's just say it won't be pretty. To be honest, I really don't know exactly what is going happen due to the fact that Dara avoids sharing this kind of  information with us but I'm betting my life, it's gonna be bad. I will stay with Dara all the way! Minzy and Chaerin too!

I heard Jiyong breathe a sigh of relief beside me. I can't help but pity the dude. Despite what he did to Dara, he obviously loves her and they don't deserve this.

Why can't two people just fall in love with each other with no one interfering?

They both deserve to be happy and not be like this.

We're watching Dara and Jiyong talk from a distance when Jiyong suddenly fell limp in her arms. We hastily ran to her side to help carry him before Jiyong falls in the water.

"Seunghyun, please bring Jiyong back to Seoul." Dara muttered while adjusting her arms so Tabi can help carry Jiyong. Then she excused herself to check if Wooyoung has arrived.

When we've successfully placed Jiyong inside the car, I turned to look at Dara who's looking at Tabi. "Take care of him for me. Please never let him look for me." I heard her request.

Tabi looked like he's about to say something but thought better of it so he just nodded.

"You better go now. You can't stay here any longer." She said and turned around to face me. "Let's talk." Referring to me, Chaerin and Minzy.

"You need to leave too." Dara said in all seriousness. She's scary but at the same time she's exuding an aura so compelling that you'll have no choice but to obey. We've only seen this side of her once. It was four years ago when a high ranking official from the Park clan killed a member of one of their rival clans. Hell! What a chaos that was! Dara was so worried she might put our lives in danger that she forbade us to see her for 6 months. I wonder how long will it take her to see us this time.

"What about you?" Chaerin asked.

"I'll stay here and wait for the clan to arrive."

"Why don't you just come with us? We'll go to our house. We can wait for them there." Minzy suggested.

"I have to wait for them here. And don't come back to the house. I'll have your things sent back to Seoul." Dara said while retrieving her car key from her pocket and placing it on my palm.

"When will we see you again?" I asked as I was climbing on the driver's seat.

"I'll call you guys in a few days. Keep safe." She hugged us very tightly and shut the doors.

"Are you sure?" I rolled down the window and asked her one last time.

She nodded her head and smiled at us. "I love you." She said before motioning for me to get going. Before I made a turn at a corner, I glanced at the rear view mirror to see Dara staring unwaveringly then turned her back and walked away.

Dara's POV

After I successfully sent everyone away, I returned to the pier and sat at the edge to watch the sea. I laughed humorlessly when I recall the look of triumph on Donghae's face as he pointed a gun on Jiyong's head. Foolish!

He had me trapped and he knew it. I can't deny that he thought about this really well. Too bad he can't use his brain now.He obviously thought I was going to choose to marry him. I was not born yesterday. I know that once he's secured my hand in marriage, he'll kill Jiyong in a second. He's so confident and an idiot. He was so sure that I wouldn't harm him; fully aware that if I do, it'll start a war between the two most powerful gangs in Asia.

But I did! And his smelly body is now cold from lack of life. Serves him right.

I got to admit though that killing Donghae was a stupid move as it meant that I just put every one I love in danger. It meant war.

It was stupid but it's a choice I'm willing to live with. Jiyong is my life. If I have to kill anyone who threatens his life then God knows I'll do it. He's too important that I naturally chose him.

I chose Jiyong but I also lost him.

The price that I'll have to pay for saving his life is to let him live a life without me but as long as he is safe, I'm okay with anything.

I looked up and stared at the cloudless blue sky in admiration. "As long as we're living under the same sky." I whispered.

I didn't tell the girls but in reality, I'm not sure if I'll ever see them again. I know they would try to help me as much as they can but I can't let them live the life anymore.

My future is... uncertain. Well, on second thought, everybodies future is uncertain. The only difference with mine is, I just increased the possibility of me dying a hundred times. Maybe a thousand. Hell, I can even be killed right now!

Our wars are different. When you kill a successor, there will be no peace talks, no negotiation, none. To claim victory is to take all or nothing.

If I want to save my family, I'll have to kill every member of the Lee clan. I can't... can never have Jiyong or any of my friends go under that kind of danger.

The moment I pulled the trigger, I knew I had to leave. To disappear and never contact them again. At least until the war's over. That is if I live. But even if I live, the war will take years to be over and Jiyong might have someone else by then. That's why I didn't ask him to wait for me.

What happened today woke me up from my illusion that I can have a normal life. I can never be normal as long as I'm a gangster.

Still, even if our relationship didn't turn out the way I would have preferred, I don't regret choosing him and giving us a chance. If I die now, then I'll die with no regrets. I don't regret any of it.

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