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Jiyong's POV

Today is Seunghyun hyung's wedding. I still can't believe it but nevertheless, I'm happy for him and proud for Bom noona. She changed him into a better man.

Everyone's running around, making last minute arrangements and despite my happiness, I can't help but wish I was somewhere else. Somewhere quiet and peaceful where I can think about Dara. What is she doing? Is she alright? Does she miss me at all? When will she come back? Will she even come back?

All I do is think about  those questions for the last 4 years. Do I get tired of it? No. I will never get tired of waiting for Dara. I know she's bound to come back one day.

And then we'll be happy. I'll make sure of it.

I felt someone steered me to the front of the chapel where I should be standing next to hyung. You see, I'm his best man. How the three monkeys agreed? I don't know. All I remember is a sudden flash of a camera in front of my face then the boys dragging me to a nearby park where we stayed all day. We then returned to hyung's apartment with the monkeys sulking and the groom shaking with laughter.

My eyes started to roam around the place. I'm sure Dara will show up today. After all, it's her bestfriend's wedding. She wouldn't miss this for the world.

I scanned the room three times, scrutinizing faces very carefully. I felt my heart deflate and my shoulders slumped involuntarily. Maybe she wouldn't come. Maybe she already found someone else. Maybe she's too busy... Maybe... She has moved on.


I wouldn't think that. There's got to be some other reason for her absence today. She'll come back. I know she will. I need her to come back.

I summoned all my attention to the ongoing ceremony and tried my best to keep my eyes from straying.

Dara's POV

I checked my watch again and grimaced. I ran faster, dodging people from left to right.

I'm late! Bommie will kill me if I don't show up at her wedding.


"Excuse me!"

"Really sorry."

There are so many people today that I kept bumping into them. I can't even get a taxi. This is all Wooyoung's fault. If only the punk woke me up sooner then I wouldn't have missed my flight.

I'm dead.

I didn't even got the chance to change into something formal. I grimaced again. I'm only wearing a white summer dress and sandals. Why must this day be like this?

I can't believe Bommie's getting married. She's gonna be a wife and have lots of children. I'm so happy for her and Seunghyun.

When I left Seoul, I assigned some of the members to conspicuously guard my friends and Jiyong. They also kept me well-informed about what's happening with my friends' lives. That's how I knew about today.

I can't say I'm sorry for leaving but I do regret not saying goodbye. I miss them a lot.

The war lasted for 3 years and I did my very best to protect my family. Planned everything and won. Though we lost some members, I'm happy that that part of my life is over.

For the last year, we've been trying to establish a better life. We've completely cut all ties with the underground world and each member now has a decent job. Although the clan is currently residing in Japan, we've decided to move back to Korea. They'll be arriving next week while I went ahead to attend Bom's wedding.

Finally, after 30 minutes of running, I'm here. I try to catch my breath and fix my hair. I bit my lips in excitement.

Jiyong and all my friends are on the other side of this door. After four years, I'm going to see them again. Will they be glad? Angry?

"Breathe, Dara."

I lifted my hand slowly and push the door a bit hard and found the church... Empty.

I released a breath that I unconsciously held and entered the church. Not a single person's here. Bom is really gonna kill me now.

I walked inside and sit to rest my aching legs. I don't know where the reception is. "Bommie!" I wailed out in frustration and stomp my feet a few times. Where should I go next?

I looked around and widen my eyes in realization. This is the same church where I first saw Jiyong. I chuckle at the memory of me announcing that I'll stalk him. So many things has happened since then.

Oh, well. I'll just call the members to ask for the location.

I stood up to leave but froze when I saw someone standing near the door.

Jiyong's POV

After the wedding, I decided to stay at the church for a little while, wanting some peace and quiet. Today is Sunday so the parks are crowded and I'm not in the mood to go to the reception party just yet. Also, I'm waiting to see if Dara will come.

Once everyone left, I prayed, prayed hard to God to see her again. Even for just a little while. I need to know if she's okay.

I waited for an hour but received a call from Seungri that I'm wanted at the party. I sighed and walk towards the door. I was about to open it when someone from the outside pushed it with such force that I stumbled back and hit my back on the wall.

"Aw!" I hissed and rub a sore spot on my forehead. Who the hell was that?! I pushed the door away from me and saw the back of a girl in a white dress walking in the middle of the aisle.

I-is there a wedding rehearsal scheduled? For some reason, something in me is reluctant to leave. I just don't know why.

I felt my phone vibrating again, sure that it's Seungri calling to check on me. I know I have to leave but I need to stay even for just a few minutes. I can't keep my eyes off of her. I swear there's something about her.'

"Bommie!'' The girl whined and stomped her foot childishly.

I was stunned to hear that familiar sweet voice. I slowly inch my way forward, my heart throbbing painfully in anticipation.

She came back?

But before I can go any further, the girl stood up and turned around. I was able to get a clear view of her face.


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