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Jiyong's POV

When we entered the bar, I saw a lot of guys stop and stare at my girlfriend. Bastards! Keep looking and I'll poke your eyes out.

Dara is standing beside me oblivious to the stares due to her night blindness. Oh, did I mention that we are now 'chaperone-free'? Cool, right?

I have to keep an eye on her the whole night *not that I'm complaining* and it's not helping that she's wearing a revealing outfit. NOT HELPING AT ALL. We actually had a little argument over it. Sometimes, I wish she'll be more like those girls who follow whatever I say buy then that won't be Dara if that happens.

I just have to live with it and be extra vigilant.

I saw Bom and the guys sitting in one of the VIP booths. I protectively put my arm around Dara's shoulder and steered us toward our friends.

The first thing I noticed is the way Seungri's acting. He keeps stretching his neck like a giraffe every 5 seconds. Huh? Is he waiting for someone?

"Yah, Seungri! Who are you looking for?"

"Dara noona, have you seen Chaerin?" The nerve of this panda to ignore my question.

"Chaerin's on her way. Why?"

"Nothing." Panda said then giggled like a lunatic.

I felt Dara's hand tug my shirt, "Is he... okay?" she whispered. "Don't worry about him. He's just being his normal self."

When Chaerin arrived, Seungri suddenly stood up and started dancing like crazy. WHAT THE?!

I nearly choked to death. Everybody in our group stopped talking and just watched the Panda humiliate himself. I glanced at Dara and saw her forehead creased and her cute mouth slightly open.

She look at me, still wearing that expression and said, "What is he doing?"

Hmm, he started going crazy when Chaerin arrived. Could he be doing this for her?

I stared at Seungri more closely and noticed him stealing glances at Chaerin every now and then. Ha! Caught you panda! I leaned back on the couch and crossed my legs, "I think he's doing some kind of panda ritual mating dance." Dara just stared at me processing what I said. "You think he likes Chaerin?"

"He keeps looking at her. I'm sure of it." Dara glanced at Seungri's direction and nodded. "Yeah, you're right though if he doesn't stop checking her out, he will be mistaken for a pervert."

"He is a pervert, babe."

"I think he just really likes her. We should help him out, Ji." Dara said looking at me excitedly.

Who can resist her when she's acting so cute? "Alright, we'll help him but you have to dance with me first."

"But Ji, you know I can't see very well. I might lose you on the dance floor." Dara said reluctantly.

"You won't lose me, Dara." I held her hand tightly and directed her to the dance floor.

Dara's POV

I can't believe Seungri likes Chaerin! I'm so giddy! While she was teaching me last night, I got her to confess that she like Jiyong's maknae so I'm so glad to know he likes her back. I can't wait to set them up.

I felt Jiyong's hand circle my waist from behind and I relaxed my body into his as we dance to the music. He leaned in a bit so his head is resting on my shoulder. After a few minutes of dancing, I felt his lips brush my neck softly. I tilted my head to the side to give him more access as he started sucking on my skin. I raised my hand to his hair and pulled his head down so I can kiss his lips. I turned around so I can face him and felt his arms tighten his hold on me even more. I felt a shiver run down my body and pulled his head even closer.

I love this guy.

I just don't know how to tell him yet. What if he doesn't love me back? What will I do? I don't think I can handle it if he rejects my feelings. We pulled away at the same time, panting for breath. I heard Jiyong mumble something against my lips and when I opened my eyes, Jiyong is staring at me intently. He cupped my face and leaned his forehead to mine.

"I love you Dara."

It took a few minutes for my mind to register what he just said. Did I hear him right? He loves me?! I want to say I love him too but I'm too surprise to speak. I open my mouth to talk but before I can even say a word, he crashed his lips to mine.

Jiyong's POV

I know I took Dara by surprise but I just can't suppress my feelings any longer. I want her to know that I love her. I waited for her reply but it looks like she was too shock to talk. What if she doesn't feel the same way? Will she reject me? I don't know if I can take her rejection.

Without thinking about it, I crashed my lips into hers and started kissing her passionately. I don't want to hear her reply. I'm not yet ready. Not yet.

The kiss sent a wave of lust through my body and I felt myself harden against her. I squeezed her hips and her hands snaked through my hair. If we don't stop now, I might not be able to control myself. I ended our kiss with a peck and smiled at her, "Are you thirsty?"

"A little bit"

"I'll get us some drinks, come on. I'll drop you off to the guys first so you can rest." I said while reluctantly removing my hands from her body and taking her hand instead. "I'll just go there on my own, Ji. I can manage."

"Bu-". I was about to protest but she cut me off with a kiss and pushed me towards the bar. Aish! How stubborn.

I was about to head back to our booth when I saw something that made me see red.

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