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Jiyong's POV

I looked to my right and saw the back of a girl who has eight guys quickly advancing towards her. I'm not sure if it's Minzy but it's obvious that she can't handle all of them by the way she's backing up to get away. 

I was about to step forward and help when someone jumped in front of the girl and pushed her to safety. The girl turned around and I saw Minzy's pale face.  At that exact moment, I focused all my attention to the girl standing in front. Dara. With just a few moves, she successfully drove the thugs away from. 

Even from the distance, I can clearly see her amused face. She's obviously enjoying this and doesn't need my help. One by one, the guys started attacking her but she all blocked them easily. I almost forgot how good she is at this kind of thing. Her moves are exact and calculated that if I didn't know any better, I would say that everything was rehearsed. 

Through my peripheral vision, I can see my friends all staring at the girls, dumbfounded. I can't say I blame them. I mean, this is not my first time seeing Dara fight but I still can't help but be mesmerized and admire her. I was so entranced that the next thing I know, the men were knocked out on the ground with a slightly out of breath Dara standing in the middle of the bodies. She pushed her hair out of her face and lifted her head to our direction. 

The moment her eyes met mine, everything else just... faded away. I forgot about what happened between us. I forgot that we're currently surrounded by unconscious thugs. I forgot my friends. It's just Dara and Jiyong. I want nothing more than to wrap my arms around her and thank God she's safe. 

I smiled slightly and was about to walk to where she is when someone harshly grabbed my arm and pulled me from my friends to the middle of the port. I twisted my body to try and get away but then, I felt something cold and hard on my temple. 

The person moved his hand from my forearm and circled it tightly on my neck almost choking me. I can see Dara freeze on the spot as well as the girls and my friends standing behind. I tried to struggle again but the metal was pressed harder against my temple. "Not so fast, lover boy." Said the person behind me. I swear I've heard that voice before.

"Donghae, let him go." I heard Dara say. I stared at her and found her pointing a gun to the person behind me. 

"Tsk, is this how you're gonna greet me, Sandara? Put the gun down before I lose it and blow your boyfriend's head." Donghae said disapprovingly.

"Why?" Dara asked. Her face void of emotions.

"I wouldn't have done this if you only listened to me and accepted my proposal. I told you, you don't belong to this bastard. You belong to me." Donghae yelled.

So this guy is the one that I punched at the club a few months ago. Huh! I should have killed him when I got the chance. How dare he! I balled my fist in anger and gritted my teeth. 

"I can't believe you! I don't like you! Why can't you just accept that?!" Dara yelled still pointing the gun at Donghae.

"I know you like me, Sandara. You just don't know it yet but I'll make you realize it. I'll do." It's obvious this guy is insane. I hope Wooyoung and the others arrive soon.

"Let him go." Dara is obviously losing her patience.

"Come with me and I'll let him go."

"Donghae, I told..."

"I swear. If you don't come with me, I'll kill him, Park." Donghae threatened and as if to emphasize his point, he grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled me to the side so they can clearly see the gun pressed tightly to my head. 

My eyes started to water due to the pain but I still saw Dara lower her gun and sigh heavily. "Alright, alright. I'll go with you."

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