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Dara's POV

Everything happened so fast and the next thing I know, I was pressed roughly against a wall and someone's hands are slammed on either side of my face. Effectively trapping me in place.

I squinted my eyes to get a better view of who's holding me captive but the lighting is still so poor to fully illuminate his features. I can tell that he's the same guy from the bar though. The nerve of him dragging me without my permission.

I tried to break free but he moved his hands on my shoulders making it harder to move. His face is so close to mine that I can feel his breath on my face. Minty with some hint of alcohol.

Jiyong's POV

I've gome crazy. I can't stand to see her walk away from me and before I knew it, I have her pressed against a wall in the bar's secluded corner. I was able to get a clear view of her face and I'm d*mn right! She is beautiful. So beautiful that it knocked the breath out of me.

She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I don't even know where to start. Her lips. Her perfect lips that's just begging to be kissed. Her cute nose that I just want to pinch. And her eyes. I can't even find words to decribe them though I can't help but feel that I've seen them before. I quickly dismissed that thought. That's impossible!

If I've seen her before, I never would have let her go.

I can drown in those magnificent brown pools and I won't even mind.

I slowly leaned in wanting to taste her lips. I saw her close her eyes as my mouth found hers. We both sigh in contentment and I can't help but smile against her lips. The happiness I'm feeling right now is so indescribable, so incredible. It feels right and I want to stay like this forever.

I can feel her responding to my kisses with equal fervor that I was so turned on, it hurts. I licked her lower lip asking for entrance and to my pleasure, she slightly parted them to grant my request. I immediately took my chance and tasted every inch of her mouth.


She reminds me of sweet strawberries with a hint of vanilla. I don't want to stop. I need to have her. I squeezed her shoulders and tilted my head to get better access to her mouth. It was getting so hot when we were interrupted by a loud bang.

She broke the kiss and I looked around ready to snap at the person who ruined the moment.

That's when I saw Seungri sprawled on the floor clutching his left eye. I smirked. I need to find the girl who did this to him and congratulate her. But that can wait for another time. I buried my face on her neck and inhaled.

''Tell me your name." I whispered in her ear.

I felt her body stiffen and tried to push me away.

Dara's POV

I felt as if I was doused with cold water. I suddenly remembered Jiyong's face. No! No! No! You like Jiyong, Dara. What were you thinking?! You don't even know this person. I mentally scolded myself.

I tried to push the guy away but he pressed his body closer against mine that it limited my movements. He then took my hands with both of his and held it tightly interlacing our fingers.

"I won't let you go. Tell me your name." He repeated huskily.

"Get off me."


"I'll scream if you won't let go of my hand." I threatened.

He didn't reply and just held my hands tighter.

I opened my mouth to scream but his mouth sealed mine for the second time tonight.

I tried to resist. I really did but there's just this undeniable attraction between us that made me slowly give in.

I felt him release my hands and I eagerly placed it around his neck while he put his on the small of my back and on the back of my head. I laced my hands on his hair and felt him groan against my mouth.

We kissed for a long time and his hold on me was so tight, I'm sure it'll bruise tomorrow. I don't care though. I can't get enough of his kisses.

We broke the kiss to catch our breath and he leaned his forehead against mine. After a while, he slowly trailed kisses on my neck down to my collar bone. I stifled a moan and slightly arched my back.

Jiyong. Jiyong. Jiyong. Reality came crashing down on me. I widened my eyes and this time, I was able to find enough strength to push the guy away. He was startled for only a few seconds but that's enought for me break away and run towards the exit.

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