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Today is Sunday!

Dara's POV

I'm enthusiastically dragging Bom, Minzy and Chaerin to the entrance of the church because we're already running a little late. Actually, this is not the church that we usually go to but I think we'll be going here from now on.

Why, you ask?

Let me give you a flashback of earlier events....

"No~! I won't wear that!'' CL said with her arms crossed in her chest while looking at the dress as if it's about to pounce on her.

"But why CL-roo? it's so pretty." I said while silently wishing for Bom and Minzy to help me convince the stubborn cat. I've been persuading her to wear this cute white dress for an hour now." 

You see, I bought four white dresses yesterday for us to wear to church but my stubborn CL-roo won't even touch it.

If you must know, I always wear these dorky glasses when I'm not doing gang activities. I'm not a nerd aspirant though if that's what you're thinking. I'm just born with really bad eyesight. I'm nearsighted PLUS I also have Nyctalopia. Too bad right? Dad said I got it from mom. And also I wear dorky glasses becaaauuse according to a very reliable survey, it's a proven good guy magnet.

By survey I meant I read a bunch Shoujo mangas.

"Yah! Ssantokki, leave it already. Just let her wear what she wants. The mass is about to start." Bom said looking impatient. I pouted but let Chaerin off the hook.

We told CL that we will go to church first and wait for her there. She agreed because it'll take her more than a while to put on her preferred outfit.

When Bom, Minzy and I entered the church, a lot of people stopped talking and stared at us as if in a trance. I can see the look of admiration in there eyes. Well, what can I say? We normally look gorgeous but with the clothes I bought, we look divine! It's like we're angels send from heaven hehe

Suddenly, I noticed that the look of admiration was slowly being replaced by something else.... Disbelief?!

I thought they just can't believe someone will look this good but then a young boy suddenly burst into tears, pointed at our direction and shouted "WAAAAAHHHHH! A WITCH!"

The three of us turned around and what we saw made our eyeballs roll off there sockets.

Chaerin is behind us wearing all black clothes with fur and leather. She also didn't forget to add super thick eyeliners with black lipstick.

We heard more crying and whispering. The whole church was in chaos and the four of us are standing at the entrance unable to believe what's happening. We were brought back to reality when a church personnel approached us and told us that it'll be better for us to leave. Because of total embarassment, we left the church at once scolding Chaerin for scaring the children.

We just decided to transfer to a nearby church but we had to drop by at the apartment first so Chaerin can change her clothes. "Stupid brats. Don't they know what fashion is?" Chaerin muttered while reluctantly removing her ensemble.

And that my friends, is the reason why we ended up here.

We quietly entered the church and sat at a corner. I looked around a bit since we've never been inside this church before. I was about to look at the priest when I saw...


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