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Good Morning, Princess!

Dara's POV

I woke up to the sound of gunshots and screaming. "Tsk! My prince was just about to give me my first kiss." I pouted while doing my morning stretches. It's nothing new, really. I've been waking up to these sounds my whole life and it has been part of my morning routine since I can remember. When you grow up with gangsters just like I did, these events are just normal.

When I heard one of them shout "Die you son of a b***h!", I know it's only a matter of time before someone knocks on my room.

And right on cue, I heard a bang on my door "Aish! Can't you handle them, Wooyoung? I has a really good dream and you guys ruined it." I said as I open my door.

Wooyoung was about to answer when a guy dressed in all black with matching mask and gloves, pointed a gun at my temple."We got you now Park princess. I'll be living like a king when my master rewards me for blowing up your pretty head." Ninja wannabe said.

I just smirked, "Are you sure about that?" I didn't give him a chance to answer and immediately elbowed his stomach, turned and kneed his nose. Blood spurted non-stop and ninja wannabe let go of the gun to put his hands on his face while screaming in pain.

"Take care of him." I ordered while wiping the blood on Wooyoung's shirt. He can't complain 'cause if he does, I'll kick his ass.

Wooyoung just nodded wordlessly while gaping at the screaming guy sprawled on the floor. Honestly, the way he reacted kind of hurt my feelings a little. He's been a member of our clan for years and should at least have an idea of what I can do.

I'm proud that even though I'm a petite and delicate looking girl, *And I'm not boasting. I'm pretty right? right? RIGHT?* I'm fully capable of protecting myself. I'm badass like that.

So once I'm assured that Wooyoung has recovered from shock, I went to my bathroom to clean up.

After a few minutes, Wooyoung informed me that ninja wannabe has been properly disposed off and the blood was cleaned. I went to the dining room to meet my father for breakfast.

When I arrived, my dad's already there eating while polishing his collection of bronze knives. I rolled my eyes and sat down. ''Daddy, can you do that later? Gosh, you lost weight again."

"My princess is so grumpy. Give your old man a break. You know this is my only happiness." I gave him THE look. "Aside from you of course." I softened and just stared at my dad.

You see, ever since my mom died, my father dedicated all his time to avenge her death and make sure I'm capable of protecting myself. At the age of 6, I was enrolled to Taekwondo, Judo, Karate, Aikido and so many more. I was able to send our clan members on there butts at the age of 13. That's how good I am.

My dad cleared his throat and I was brought back to the present. "So the Lee clan called..." He said while pointedly looking at the knife he was polishing. Aish! I don't like where this conversation is heading but nevertheless I answered, "And?"

"They're asking if you would be interested to date there successor." Dad said nervously. I sighed and rolled my eyes. He knows what my answer will be yet I can still see a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

"Daddy, you know I'm not interested. Especially since their successor's smell can kill living things within a 10-feet radius. Do you want your grandchild to be bullied at school because he smells like rotten fish?"

Seriously. I'm not kidding. The guy is a walking garbage can.

"Of course I don't, princess. I'm just worried about you. You know I'm not getting any younger and I just want to be sure that someone will be there to take care of you." Dad said.

"Daddy, don't worry about me. Besides I'm only 18 and you're still young. Don't worry, I'm sure I'll find him. Mom will help me." I said while smiling. "I know she will."

Dad smiled back and I can see love in his eyes. "Now enough of this, let's eat and hide you're knives." He pouted and laughed.

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