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In the club

Dara's POV

I don't know how long I sat on the bench staring at nothing in particular. All I kept thinking about was 'he already likes someone else'. Out of nowhere, I felt someone sat beside me and gave me a side hug.

"Dara?" I heard Chaerin's voice calling me.

"We've been calling you for hours but you're not answering. I had to track your phone to find you. What happened?" I pulled back from our hug and started crying.

"Chaerin-ah, he already likes someone else." I said while wiping my tears using the sleeves of my sweater.

"What? How did you find out?"

After I told her what happened, she just sighed and flicked my forehead lightly. "You can't be sure that he likes that girl just because he allowed her to touch him. You sound just like those girls in dramas."

I pouted.

"You know what I think you should do?" Chaerin asked.


''Well, I think you should approach him and introduce yourself. That way you can get the firsthand information. Then if he confirms that he already like someone else, then you can cry. But at least you tried, right?''

"When did you become a love expert?" I laughed. Ah, it's good CL-roo came to my rescue. I'll prepare myself to talk to him one of these days.

"Now stop moping around and get up. Bomtaro wants to meet us at some club."

"Right." I smiled and stood up.

Jiyong's POV

I just finished shopping with Sohee when I received a call from Youngbae telling me to meet him at some club. I'm thinking of ditching the monkeys since I'm so exhausted.

Instead of going to a supply store, Sohee ended up dragging me to various clothing stores. She even had the nerve to go to a lingerie boutique. Talk about awkward. I'm still getting goosebumps from that horrid experience.

I think she tried to seduce me but instead of getting aroused, I decided to avoid her for life.

I headed home, changed my clothes and was about to dive to my bed when Seungri panda came barging in my room.

"Hyung! Are you gonna wear that to the club? Is that a new trend?" The panda said sniggering.

"Yah! You blabbermouth! You better be quiet or I'll chuck you in my cabinet and never let you out."

He gulped and wiped his forehead. "Hyung! Aren't you coming with us? Top hyung specifically said that we should all be there and he assigned me to make sure you go. He said that if I return without you, he'll cut off my..." He trailed off and looked downwards.

''I'm not going.''

"B- But WHY?!" He started turning round and round while flailing his arms.

"Hyung, you HAVE to come! I don't want Top hyung to cut off my...*mumble* *mumble*''

"Tss, stop spouting nonsense. You can sell it for all I care. I'm not going. I'm tired."

He started panicking and looked around desperately thinking of how to convince me.

"B-but hyung wants us to meet his girlfriend tonight."

I looked at him curiously. How come I wasn't informed of this? I eyed the panda suspiciously. Top hyung? Girlfriend? I thought I'll never live to hear those two words together. This should be interesting. I smirked.

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