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TOPBOM EPISODE 2: Our relationship

Continuation from Chapter 21

"Tabi, look! Corn!"

What? Corn again? We've only been going out for 3 weeks and this crazy girl has managed to turn my life upside down.

First, she calls me Tabi. Can you believe that? I'm being called something like Tabi. How embarrassing! I don't even know where she got that from.

Second, the girl eats corn like a freaking machine or any other food for that matter.  I've never seen someone with that much appetite. When we first went on a date, I spent $500 in just one restaurant and that's excluding what I ate.

I don't really mind about the money *since I'm rich* but seeing someone eat like that and not to mention that someone is such a thin girl, gave me the shock of my life.

Third, she actually managed to convince me to color my hair blue. Blue! One time, she had a sudden craving for ice cream so she dragged me to an ice cream shop at 4 am and when she saw those weird sky blue ice cream, she ordered me to color my own hair blue. Who does that?! And when I said no, you know what she did? She slumped on the floor and started kicking and throwing things at me.

In the end, we never got to eat ice cream as we were thrown out of the store. The unstoppable lady then grabbed my hand and forced me to go to a salon with her. And to my horror, she was able to magically have me color my hair even though I said I didn't want to.

She is such a nuisance.

Despite that, I'll never regret coming to the supermarket that day. Having her in my life is making me unexpectedly happy.

Today, my crazy girlfriend has another scheme in mind. Ever since she saw the photos of my friends in my phone, she kept begging me everyday for us to go to out with them so she can introduce her girl friends. I don't exactly know what she's planning but I'm getting nervous about it.

We're standing outside the club waiting for her friends to arrive when she saw a lady selling corn on the other side of the street. I swear, she thinks about corn 24/7. I bet she loves it more than me.

She was about to cross the street when three girls arrive and grab Bom's hands."Where do you think you're going?"

"Bommie, corn again? Really?"

"I just bought you a dozen of those yellow monsters. You've had enough for today."

Before Bom can protest, the girls pull her to the entrance and smiled at me. Ah, must be her friends.

"You must be Seunghyun. I'm Chaerin."

"Hello, I'm Minzy."


I must admit all of them look scary but I'd rather mess with the blonde one than with the girl named Dara. Even though she didn't say anything, I can clearly see the message she's sending me.

'Hurt my friend and you're dead.' Her eyes says it all.

Note for self-preservation: Do not come near her. At all cost. She's scary.

Hmm, I can probably use Seungri as bait if she's in a bad mood. Yes, I can do that. Dongsaeng will save me.

"I'm Seunghyun but you can call me Top. Shall we go inside?" The two just walked past me but Dara stared at me for a few more seconds before deciding to follow her friends.

"Don't mind Dara, Tabi, she's just in a bad mood. Come on."

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