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Jeju Island

Jiyong's POV

"Ji, where are we going?"

"Tell me." Dara pleaded for the nth time, shaking the life out of me. She must be going crazy right now. "You'll know soon. Just be patient baby."

"But Ji..."

"Here, eat some bread." I stuffed her mouth with the fish-shaped bread that we bought earlier. I have to do this if I want to keep my surprise a surprise. I'm sure I will succumb to her if she won't stop asking me where I'm going to take her.

She threw a murderous glare in my direction which under normal circumstances would have made me quiver in fear but right now, with her cheeks puffed like a chipmunk, I can't help myself but to laugh out loud.

Her eyes widened upon seeing me laugh at her. I guess being the gangster that she is, she's not used to being laughed at or not being taken seriously. She quickly chewed then swallowed what's on her mouth. "Gah! I won't talk to you anymore!" She turned her back on me and put her headphones on.

"Baby, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to laugh at you." I place my hand on her shoulders but she slapped my hand away and continued to ignore me.

I arranged a birthday surprise for Dara which took me a long time to prepare. Today, I'm taking her to our private vacation house in Jeju Island. Just the two of us. Alone. Away from our family and friends. No pesky chaperones. Perfect for me to do what I want to do.

Wahahaha I'm so excited and I don't want to hide it.

She's been pestering me for information since we boarded our private plane two hours ago. She's tried every method there is. Heck, she even tried to blackmail me. Me. Her own boyfriend. That girl stops at nothing. Nothing I tell you.

Not long ago, someone told me that Dara's only been to Jeju once when she was five. I asked why but they didn't gave me an answer so I just assume her dad's too busy to take her. I know she'll like it there. It's so different from the city. So peaceful. I'm determined to make our stay memorable. A memory that we will never forget.

After minutes of poking her back nonstop, she abruptly turned to face me. "Jiyong, tell me where we're going."

"A place where we can relax. Don't worry, baby. I'm sure you'll like my surprise. I promise." I smiled at her and grab some more bread. "Want more?" She grab the fish and stuff it forcefully in my mouth; choking me.

After my coughing receded, I look back at her and saw her clutching her stomach in laughter. I was about to scold her but found myself laughing with her. The things she do to me. "Just sleep for now, Dara. I'll wake you up once we land." I made her lean her head on my shoulder and rearranged the blanket around us. She complied but not before showing me her puppy eyes as a one last attempt of persuasion. "Just sleep Dara. I'm not telling you so don't be stubborn." I heard her 'hmmp' but nonetheless settled comfortably against me to sleep.

Dara's POV

My relationship with Jiyong has been nothing but extraordinary. Ever since we confessed our feelings, we've grown closer *if that's even possible* and we're a lot open with each other now. Donghae never bothered me again which I'm really thankful for.

For the first few weeks after the incident at the bar, I've been worried sick that he might do something bad to Jiyong. So far, nothing has happened but I can't let my guards down. I know for a fact that Donghae is not the kind of guy who forgives and forget. That's just not how gangsters roll. I know he's gonna do something. He's just bidding his time.

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