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In Danger

Dara's POV

I woke up to find the house empty. As I shook off my sleepiness, I realized that I fell asleep on the living room couch. "Ouch! My back aches." I stood up to stretch my limbs and look around to check if I'm really all alone. 

'Hmm, where could they have gone and why didn't they wake me up?' I thought while pouting.

A yawn escaped my lips and I couldn't help but lay down on the couch again. "I'm so tired." I mumbled with my eyes closed. I shifted my body until I found a comfortable position. I've been driving around this place  for about a month now but I still haven't caught a glimpse of the infamous gang who's causing havoc to citizens. I guess they really have good timing. 

Last night, I got information from our resident tracker, Dong Wook, that the gang is said to frequent an old, abandoned shipyard near where we're staying so I decided to check it out but because of my eyes, I wasn't able to stay much longer that I would've wanted. I'm practically useless in the dark. I came back at dawn though but I didn't see anything that will lead me to them. 

I bit my lower lip as I remember the reason why I'm so impatient to finish this problem. "Jiyong..." Just thinking about him makes me want to squish him like a bug. That bastard. Why do still miss you so much? 

I laid on my back and placed my forearms behind my head. I've been stuck here for so long and not seeing Jiyong is driving me into depression. Despite what happened and what he said, I can't find it in me to hate him. When I woke up in Bom's apartment, the first person I asked for is him. I know he didn't mean any of the things he said. Well... probably some of them but it's my fault anyway. I just want to forget everything that happened and start anew with him. That is, if he wants me back. I can't wait for this to be over so I can go back to Seoul and apologize. 

Maybe he's calmed down and will listen to me. I tried calling but Bommie's always there to stop me. She said that it's better to give him time to think and that he'll come find me once he's ready. I agreed thinking that it'll only be a matter of days but it's been a month and that idiot still hasn't called me yet or contacted me in any way.

If only I didn't love him, he would surely be rotting 6 feet under by now.

But I do. So, I'll wait for him. 

"Gosh! Stop thinking about him, Dara! Concentrate on finishing this task then you can think about him all you want." I scolded myself while still staring at the ceiling. Busan is a very peaceful place and even though I miss Jiyong like crazy, I can't deny the fact that I'm enjoying my stay here. Being away from the clan, the trainings and all the fighting is a refreshing change. I feel almost... normal.

At first, when the girls told me why we're here, I got angry and tried to send them back to home. I know we've done this a lot of times before but something tells me they should not stay this time. When I told Bom about it, she just shrugged and told me it's the after-effects of what happened between me and Jiyong.

I got my phone to check the time and was surprised to know that it's already 3 in the afternoon. I smiled when I saw Bommie's number but quickly faded when I saw her message.

'Dara. Warehouse. We're being attacked.'

After tracking her phone, I jumped in my car and sped away to there destination. According to the data, it's the same shipyard that I surveyed last night.I was about to open my car's door and walk to the shipyard when I realized that I didn't call for back up. I reached for my phone but remembered that I left it in the house. I rested my forehead on the steering wheel and sighed in frustration."Try to think."

I've learned that when dealing with gang-related matters, you can never go unprepared. I've lived by that policy and it saved my life a lot of times. It's just that when I read Bom's text, everything just flew out of the window. I will never forgive myself if anything happens to them. They're not even members of the clan and yet those idiots dare to mess with them. 

I straightened myself and with trembling hands, I opened the glove compartment and took my gun. I usually don't take guns with me but this time, I know I'll need it. As I walked towards the port, I strained my ears for any sign activity. 

After about 30 minutes of searching, I saw the girls surrounded by at least 30 men. As I approach them, I heard an unfamiliar voice talking. "Don't do anything and we won't hurt you. We just need Sandara Park." The big guy in black who looks like the leader said. 

"Why?" I heard Bom's voice full of contempt.

"You're too loud, lady."

"What do you need from Dara?" Chaerin asked.

"Lee Donghae wants her."

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