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Corn Bom to the rescue

Bom's POV

I was sleeping peacefully using my corn pillow when I heard someone open my door with a bang.

"Bom!" Someone shouted while shaking my sexy body. "Bommie! Get up it's Sunday."

"Ssantokki! I'm still getting my beauty sleep. Just pray for me, neh?" I said as I adjusted my pillow.

I almost dozed off again when I heard her pleading voice, ''But... Bommie, I was really looking forward to spend my Sunday with you. Plus, I even bought us new clothes yesterday." My ears perked up at the mention of clothes. You know how much of a girly girl I am.

"Ssantokki, you better buy me lots of corn later, okay?" I negotiated while getting up. She nodded vigorously while rubbing her hands. Aish, this girl is so cute. I swear she's such a kid. It's like she stopped aging mentally and is stuck at being a 6 year old forever.

"Alright, where are the clothes you're telling me about?"

"Oh, I left them with Minzy. Wait here. I'll just get it." She instantly dashed towards my door while wearing a huge grin. We've been friends for 12 years now along with Minzy and Chaerin. I smiled and suddenly remembered the day I met the rabbit.

We were all 6 year olds and I was playing Godori with Chaerin and Minzy at our school's playground.

I know you guys are thinking, 'Aren't these kids a little too young to play card games?'

My answer is, "Yes. Yes, we were."

Anyway, we were playing cards when my bionic ears suddenly heard sniffling under the kiddy slide. At that age, I was addicted and I mean addicted to superheroes. I refused to go anywhere without my cape which by the way is color yellow and green with sewn words saying:

Super Bom

The Corn God's most loyal follower who's sworn to help those in need with just a payment of ONLY 1 grilled corn cob

I saw a pretty girl wearing cute bunny ears and hugging a purple, ugly plushie with mismatch eyes. She was huddled against the inside of the slide crying and my heart immediately went out to her to the point of forgetting the required corn cob payment.

"Hey! Why are you crying? Did someone bully you? Tell me their names and class. By the end of the day, they'll be begging for your forgiveness."

*Yeah, I developed my Bominator tendency at an early age*

She just looked at me as if I was a ghost and continued crying. I kneeled in front of her and gave her my super special Bom energy hug. To my surprise, she actually hugged me back and whispered "I...I just miss my mom."

That's when I remembered that today is the annual parent-teacher conference day and my very own mom is sitting there listening to nonsense.

Poor kid. Her mom must be so busy that she wasn't able to attend her daughter's meeting. "Shhh, don't cry, I'll be your mom for now" I said while patting her back. "Come on I'll teach you how to play cards and introduce you to my friends." I said while dragging her to where Chaerin and Minzy sat.

She wiped her tears and smiled. That's when I noticed that her two front teeth are missing. Kyaa!! So cute!

A few days later, I learned that Ssantokki's mom died last year *if you haven't noticed, I decided to call her that because of the bunny headband she's wearing when we first met*

I felt so sad that she has no mommy. That's when I decided that I'll take care of this girl for as long as I live.

I'll be her personal Super Bom.

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