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I like it

Jiyong's POV

It's the first day of Christmas break and I'm on my way to Dara's house. I'm really looking forward to today because I made Dara promise that she'll cook me breakfast. I'm so excited.

When I arrive at their house, a weird smell attacked my senses but before I can figure out what that is, the door was opened by Wooyoung with the boys behind him.

The boys and I have become a lot closer since the movie house incident. They somehow remind me of the monkeys. Just a lot scarier.

They're all wearing masks and all I can see are their eyes. Is this a new fashion trend I don't know about? Should I wear a mask too? Are they going undercover for the gang?

As I walk inside, they all sighed and patted my back.

''Good luck, Jiyong!"

"See you on the other side, brothah!"

"I have the hospital's number on speed dial. Don't worry."

What the?! What's up with these guys? They're acting as if I'm about to meet my death.Wait a minute...

I-is this about Dara's cooking?! It can't be that bad, can it? My eyes widened at the sudden realization. Should I hide? But where?

I started to look around frantically and was about to head to the bathroom when I someone grab the back of my shirt and towed me towards the kitchen. I heard Wooyoung's voice, ''Princess will be sad if you won't get to taste her cooking. She'll be in a bad mood and then we will suffer."

"So in other words, I'm going to be the sacrificial lamb?" I narrowed my eyes at him. "Yes. Yes you will."

I saw the clan members grinning at me like maniacs. ''Farewell, Jiyong!"

These traitors! I will seek retribution!

Wooyoung opened the door and pushed me inside. Dara's back was facing me and she was humming a soothing tune. I can feel how excited she is.

Just like that, I have forgotten my apprehensions. The sight made me smile. I want to spend everyday like this. To wake up in the morning and find Dara in the kitchen preparing our breakfast. She'll give me a kiss and greet me good morning. Then we'll eat breakfast together with our kids. I want my future like that.

I walked to her side and give her a back hug. I felt her stiffen at first then relaxed and leaned in to me."Good morning, baby."

"Good morning, Ji. I didn't hear you coming." She turned to face me and look at the floor.

"Ji, how about we just eat out? I don't think you'll like the food I made." If she asked me earlier, I would have agreed due to fear but after seeing her, I would never dare pass up this chance.

Regardless if it's delicious or not, as long as Dara made it, I'm sure I'll love it. I placed my fingers on her chin and lifted her head so I can look into her eyes. "I'm really starving. I'm sure I'll like it." I said and kiss her nose.

She smiled and hugged me back. Our moment was interrupted when the boys entered. Dara pulled back from me and pushed me to sit on a stool. "Stay here. I'll just get the food."

When she turned her back to us, I look at the boys and noticed them all wearing excited grins, holding their cellphones. "Boys, get ready. Make sure to get the best angle. We'll upload the video on Youtube later." Wooyoung whispered grinning at me evilly.

I was about to reply but Dara returned and placed the food in front of me. "If it doesn't taste good, tell me, okay?" I just nodded. I picked up the chopsticks and started eating. Hmm, it taste really good. I don't see what the fuss is all about.

"Well, what do you think?" Dara asked looking at me worriedly. I can see the clan members looking at me in anticipation. ''I like it. It taste good." I said and put another spoonful in my mouth.

"Really? You really like it, Ji?"

"Yes. Wait, have you eaten breakfast?" She shook her head and I furrowed my eyebrows. "You've been worrying yourself when there's nothing to be worried about." I said and fed her.

Dara's POV

I was so relieved when Jiyong said he likes my cooking. I spent all night trying to improve and even asked for Chaerin's help. My hard work paid off. I'm so happy!

I felt my phone vibrate and checked to see who's calling. I saw Bommie's name on the screen and answered the call immediately.

Jiyong's POV

While Dara's talking to Bom, I glanced at the clan members and saw them with their mouths hanging open, cellphones forgotten.

HAHAHAHA! They look so funny! I took out my phone and quickly snap a picture. "Maybe I'll post this online. 'Gangsters gone mad' is a good caption, right?" I smirked and they seem to recover from their shock.

"Bom wants to go clubbing tonight. Do you want to go?" Dara asked. "Sounds good." Dara nodded and told Bom that we're in. Once the call ended, Dara faced the clan members and smiled, "Now boys, I believe I won the bet."

Huh?! What bet? I look at Wooyoung and the guys and saw them all getting something from their pockets while pouting.mGangsters pouting?! A-and is that money I see?!

''You were suppose to not like the food, Ji!" Wooyoung complained.


"Now we lose our allowance for the week because of you. You should treat us dinner for a week."

Did they made a bet on me?

"You sore losers! Pay up!" Dara said looking impatient. I look at Dara questioningly. She smiled at me sheepishly and said, "W-well, we kind of had a bet last night." I raised my eyebrows. "A-about... something about you liking my cooking."

I felt my jaws dropped.

These guys...

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