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Chaos in the Kitchen

"Princess! Don't add vinegar in the batter!"

"You use a rolling pin to flatten the dough, princess, not your arms."

'''Wahhhhh! The stove is on fire!''

This morning, the Park clan's main headquarters a.k.a. Dara Park's home is even more chaotic than usual. Thanks to their princess who decided to bake cookies so early in the day, no one was able to eat breakfast.


"The cookies are ready!" Dara ran towards the kitchen while putting on oven mitts.

''Wow! They came out really well. A little burnt but I'm sure it'll go unnoticed. Now for the taste test, I should have the members try it and see if it's good."

"Wooyoung!" Dara called.

Wooyoung entered the kitchen and his eyes zeroed in on the burnt cookies.

''What is it, princess?"

''Can you ask some of the members to come over here for a minute? I want you guys to try out the cookies I made. ''

"A-ah, princess, it looks good enough for me. I don't think we still need to try it. I'm sure it's good." Wooyoung said looking at Dara hopefully.

"I know but I want to make sure. I'm going to give it to someone special and I don't want to take any chances." Dara replied.

Wooyoung reluctantly nodded and went outside to call the other members.

When the members are inside, they arranged themselves in a straight line each looking as if Dara is about to feed them poison.

"Yah! Why do you all look so nervous? Do you not think that the cookies I made are delicious? You guys should be honored that I'm asking for your opinion." Dara said while narrowing her eyes.

''N-neh, princess. We will try the cookies now.''

Dara looked at them expectantly while the members are chewing the cookies.

''Well, what do you guys think? Is it good?''

She noticed some of the members look kind of green but assumed that it was just a trick of the light.

"I-it's good, princess. We've never tasted anything like it before."

"Really? Do you really like it? I'm so happy!" Dara said while jumping up and down.

Out of nowhere. Bom suddenly walked in and being the foodie that she is, she grabbed a cookie and took a bite.




"Bleeeccchhhh!!!! Ssantokki, what the hell is this?" Bom said while holding a piece of cookie. "It taste like rubber. Who made this?" Bom continued while scrubbing her tongue with a towel.

The clan members are now in hysterics. Some stuffed the cookies in their mouth to prevent Dara from taking a bite while most of them are slowly inching their way towards the exit to avoid their boss' wrath.

"You will all regret it if you take one step out of this room." Dara warned.

She grabbed a cookie and cautiously took a big bite.

Everyone turned silent waiting for Dara's reaction. The members are now calling all the saints praying to be spared.

Dara was motionless for a few moments but then she swiftly snapped her head to face the members. The action was so fast, she was a blur.


By now, the clan members are all shaking and don't know whether to run or stay. They NEVER want to see Dara angry. She turns into a merciless monster.

Dara squinted her eyes as if deep in concentration.

"You punks. You dare lie to me?! You better prepare yourselves. I will hang yo-"

Her threat was interrupted when a member came barging into the room breathlessly.

''Princess! Someone's looking for you outside. He said you met him at the club last night.''

Dara's POV

I couldn't believe my ears. If my suspicion is correct, the guy who's looking for me must be the same guy who took my first kiss.

After I arrived home last night, I agreed that it'll be best if I just forget the whole incident and focus on geting to know Jiyong. That's the reason why I got up early and tried to bake some cookies. You guys might have figured out by now that I suck at baking or any activity that has anything to do with a stove.

"How the hell did he find out where I live?" I asked no one in particular.

That's impossible unless he's also in a gang like me. I mean, I didn't even tell him my name.


I turned around to look at Bommie and to my surprise, she was sitting in one of the stools grinning like a hyena.

"Did you?" I didn't need to finish my question 'cause I'm pretty sure she knows what I'm talking about.

"Yes, I did. I saw you two kissing last night." She replied while wiggling her eyebrows.

"EEEEEHHHHHHHHHHH????" The clan members all answered at the same time.

"Princess was kissing someone?" Member 1 said doubtfully

"Princess is already a full grown woman." Member 2 said while dabbing his eyes with a hankerchief.

"Princess! We were suppose to get married!" Member 3 said looking betrayed.

"Princess is getting married already?" Member 4  said while jumping for joy.

''Really? Should we all buy a tuxe-"

"All of you shut your traps. I haven't forgotten your punishment. Go outside and tell the guy that there's no woman living here." I ordered while pointing outside.

"Let him in and tell him she'll be there in a few seconds." Bom told the members while looking at them menacingly.

The members nodded vigorously.

"Oh! Hide the guns!" She shouted behind them.

I looked at Bommie not believing what's happening. She knows how much I like Jiyong yet she's pushing me towards a guy I don't even know.

She walked towads me and squeezed my face.

"Just trust me on this oneSsantokki. Now go to your room and clean up."

I sighed and took off my apron. What's there to lose, right? Besides, I can use a little entertainment.

Instead of putting on my normal, everyday clothes, I  dressed up in one of my gang outfits and put on some eyeliner.

Let's see how long will lover boy last. I smirked. I'm sure he'll be running off the second I enter the room.

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