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Take my hand

Jiyong's POV

I am gonna kill Seungri.

But I will kill myself first for listening to him.

Naahh! Let's just go with Seungri. The plastic bag idea will come useful now.

I've been sitting here for an hour and so far I haven't gotten any action. *sigh* So much for skinship. Dara has neither hug nor cling to me. She's not even talking to me. Her hands are folded on her chest and her eyes are glued to the screen.


I'm lonely. I can't even concentrate on watching the wretched movie because all I can focus on is her hands. I wanna hold it... but I can't.

Besides, why would I bother watching this stupid film when I can barely hear a thing. These stupid chaperones have been screaming their lungs out ever since the movie started. Are they even gangsters?! I don't know how Dara can hear over the noise.

How long will this movie last? I should have chosen something romantic instead. It was a really big mistake that I took the Panda's advice. I forgot that Dara is unique and that judging by her personality, she would absolutely love a scary movie.

I streched and tried to put my arm on her shoulder but before I can even touch her, SOMEBODY had the nerve to pelt me with freaking popcorns! D*mn it! How many buckets did they bought?

I crossed my arms in front of me and pouted. I will never eat another popcorn in my life!

Dara's POV

I've been sitting with my arms crossed in front of my chest and purposely ignoring my silly boyfriend. It's so fun to watch him like this. He's so frustrated.

I know what I'm doing is bad but I can't help it. He's just so cute! I subtly glance at his direction and saw his arms crossed with his lips pouting. Hahahaha! I'm having so much fun right now. This'll teach him not to forget that I'm no ordinary girl.

Jiyong's POV

The movie ended and I'm now walking with Dara on the way to a restaurant. Thank you for that. I don't think my eardrums can endure any more screaming.

I look at Dara's hands longingly and mentally sighed. I know I should be thankful that her dad allowed us to go out on a date but I can't help but to want time with her alone. I want to walk down the streets holding her hand without being followed but... as long as I'm with her, that's enough.

I was pleasantly surprised when I felt Dara hand in mine. I looked at her and she's smiling at me mischivously. "What?" I asked.

"Do you want to have fun?" Before I can answer her, she held my hand tighter and started to run.

She runs fast! I was startled that I can barely keep up with her. She looked back at me while still smiling. "You better run faster, slow poke, or else we won't lose them."

Wha? How did she know what I was thinking about? Was I that obvious? But whatever! I returned her smile, squeezed her hand and ran for my life.

Once we were sure that we're no longer being followed, we stopped by a clothing store to change our clothes and just roamed the streets together holding hands.

It was already 11pm when we reached their house and despite spending the whole day with her, I'm still reluctant to let her go. Time flew by so fast.

She was about to go out of the car but without thinking about it, I pulled her back and kissed her lips. It was suppose to be a simple good night kiss at first but after a while, the kiss got heavier and I felt her arms circle my neck. I put my hand on the back of her neck and the other on the small of her back. If we don't stop now, I don't know what I might do.

Dara's POV

I flinched from the pain when I felt him bit my lower lip but was distracted when I felt his tongue enter my mouth. I tilted my head to deepen the kiss and braided my hands on his hair. I heard him groan and felt him tighten his hold on my waist. This feels so good. I can kiss him all day.

We both jumped apart when I heard my phone ringing. The screen says that it's dad who's calling me. Aish! Dad has the worst timing ever! I gave Jiyong an apologetic look and he just smiled; encouraging me to answer the call. I cleared my throat first and pressed accept. "Dad?"

"Did I interrupt something?" I can hear a knowing tone in his voice. He must be watching me and Jiyong right now. So much for privacy.

"I'll be there in a minute." I said and ended the call. I looked at Jiyong and smile, "I better go." He sighed, held my hand and kissed it. "I'll see you soon."

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