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Jiyong's POV

It's been a month and  I still haven't mustered enough courage to talk to Dara. I know I'm being a coward but I just don't know how to face her after what I did. I was wrong. Our time apart helped me think things through and I can't express how regretful I am.

I want to see her. I want nothing else but to see her.

But I can't.

What if she won't take me back after the horrible things I did and the hurtful words I said? I don't know what I'll do. I won't be able to handle her rejection no matter how much I deserve it. I just... can't.

I guess that's the main reason why I'm prolonging our meeting. Because I'm afraid she'll leave me. Like I left her.

Although I'm not sure if I can last any longer without seeing her. This past month, my life revolved around clubs, alcohol and sleeping.

I haven't been with a single girl, if you're wondering about that. The last time was when I saw Dara in that club but after driving a couple of blocks, I asked her to get out. I couldn't bear to be with another woman.

I miss her so much, it's driving me crazy. I've been so miserable. Without her, I don't know what I'll do.

I snapped back to reality when I heard a loud knock on my door. "Jiyong, baby, are you ready? We're going to be late." My mom yelled from the other side of the door.

"I'm almost done." I focused on tying my tie. I honestly am not in the mood to go to a dinner party but I don't want to disappoint my parents. I've already done that to Dara.

I can't help but sigh in frustration. This damn tie won't cooperate. I heard a chuckle coming from the doorway and saw my mom looking at me in amusement. "My baby. You haven't change do you? You still don't know how to tie that?" She asked.

She entered my room and smiled at me. I smiled back at her half heartedly, "I always forgot."

"Well, do you have any other problems you want to tell me?"

"Uhm, none that I know of."

"How's Dara?"

"She's fine." She raised an eyebrow and looked at me knowingly. "S-She's fine. I guess."

"When was the last time you talked to her?"

"A month ago." I answered glumly.

Silence... Out of nowhere, I felt my mom slap my arm. "Wha? Mom, what was that for?" I said as I rub my hand on my arm. "It hurts."

"That's because you're an idiot." She said disapprovingly. She stepped away from me and placed her hands on her hips. I can only gape at her. Did an alien abduct my mother? I've never heard her talk like this. She's always gentle, loving and she never raised her hands at me. What happened?

"M-mom? Are you okay?"

"Youngbae told me what happened. You, young man, should go to her and apologize."


"Yes. He told me you left her in Jeju. Alone! I can't believe you did that! I never taught you to treat a girl like that. Now, you better hurry up and apologize or else I'll ground you and you won't be able to go to those parties you always go to."

If I was shocked at her earlier behavior, I got to say, I thought my heart will burst out of my chest with what she just said. Holy dang! How did my mother know my partying escapades?!

Speechless, I can only look at her in horror. "Hehe shock? We've known it for a long time. A long, long time."


"Well, there was one time when your father and I were out partying when all of a sudden, you showed up. Tsk! Imagine my surprise when my 13-year old baby boy showed up in a club with his friends? I nearly got a heart attack... Oh, that reminds me. You owe me and your father. After that night, we couldn't come to the club anymore because you might see us and that would be awkward. That club was our favorite, you know." She scolded me lightly.

When I still didn't reply, she continued "Why? Can't believe it? Just because we're parents doesn't mean we can't go partying."

"D-does that mean..." Knowing what I was about to ask, she answered me before I can complete my question.

"Yes. We've just been going along with this good boy act of yours all these years. It's really funny. You should see how red your dad's face gets after laughing at your acting. I've never seen him laugh like that." 


"Sorry for not telling you but it was really amusing. Sorry again." Despite her apologies, I can tell my mom is having a hard time stopping her laughter. "So... you and dad. You go clubbing?"

"Of course. We go every week. Didn't I tell you before? I met your dad at a club. He's a real party animal, mind you. I guess that's where you get it from."

"Every week?" I don't know what to say. My mom and dad? Clubbing? It just doesn't go along. "But... but you and dad... you guys are..."

"Strict? Well, we try to keep a nice image in front of you but it was really funny seeing the way you act and your excuses are hilarious. Studying all night? Pft! Hahahahahaha. I've always wanted to tell you... uhm... what was that? Er... That thing you teenagers always say when you prank each other? Oh, oh yeah! You got punk'd! Hahahahahaha."

A scowl was clearly written on my face as I watch my mother, my mother clutching her stomach in laughter at my expense. 

Once her laughter subsided, she straightened up and placed her hands on my shoulders, her eyes serious. "Dara is a great girl. You better put your act together before it's too late. It's okay if you don't come with us. I know you have a lot of things to fix." With that said, she turned and left the room.

Once I regained myself from the unexpected revelations, I got my cellphone and dialed Top hyung's number. "Hyung, do you know were Dara is? What? She left?"

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