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"Let's get married"

Jiyong's POV

"No!" The word came out from my mouth before I can stop myself. "You can't go with him, Dara." I pleaded and attempted to break free from Donghae's grasp.

She gave me a look which, if verbally translated means, 'Don't you dare interfere.'

Still, I silently begged her not to do it but all she did was give me an apologetic half smile that I'm sure she didn't mean. I'm not being stupid. I understand the situation. The sacrifice that she'll do for me. I just wish that I could do something to help her and not just stand here like a fucking damsel in distress.


I'm supposed to be the one saving her and not the other way around!

"I've already made arrangements for us to be married tomorrow, Sandara. All you have to do is come with me and say, "I do." Donghae urged.

"You're... You're marrying her?" I stuttered.  I looked back at Dara and saw her face completely blank of emotions. She's obviously thinking things through. Her silence is killing me.

Suddenly, she locked her eyes with mine and stared at me wistfully. "Alright. Let's get married." She said sounding resigned.

I was speechless and clearly Bom and the others were shocked too. I tried to catch her eyes once again. I waited but she wouldn't look at me. She's purposely ignoring me and pointedly looking at Donghae.

Donghae! Just he wait until I get my hands on him. I'll make sure he'll die a painful death. Bastard!

I felt Donghae breathe a sigh of relief behind me. "Good thinking. Now, toss the gun to my feet and slowly walk towards me."

"Let him go first." Dara demanded.

"Like I would do that." Donghae scoffed. "I'm not stupid. Come to me first and then I'll let him go."

"How do I know you're not lying?"

"You won't. You just have to trust me, my future wife." The bastard said and laughed out loud.

I saw Bom's face scrunched up in disgust and then morphed into concern when Dara tossed her gun and took a step forward. Then she grab Dara's arm, halting her. I saw then exchange a few words but wasn't able to hear them.

"Hey! No talking!" Donghae yelled from behind, motioning Dara forward using his gun.

Man, he's got bad breath.

"Dara, please! Just leave me here!" I yelled out in desperation but no matter how loud I yelled and begged, she continued walking. She's acting like she couldn't hear us.

When Dara was near enough, Donghae released his hold on my neck and extended his hand for Dara to take. He tugged her forward but she didn't budge.

"Let Jiyong go first." Dara said, still ignoring my presence.

I felt Donghae shrug and forcefully push me to where our friends are standing. I felt someone grab me and the next thing I know, I'm standing between Top hyung and Youngbae with Bom and Chaerin in front of us. From my position, I just noticed that Donghae is only accompanied by one guard which if you're gonna ask me is stupid. He clearly doesn't know Dara's abilities and it makes me even guiltier because if only I didn't show up, then Dara and her friends could have easily defeated Donghae and his minions.

I saw Donghae grab Dara by the waist and pressed her near his side. For a very quick moment that I wasn't sure if it even happened, she nodded her head to the side as if telling us to go there. I saw Bom subtly grab Minzy's hand while Chaerin grab Seungri's and they both took a step backwards.

So many things happened in the next minute that I don't even know where to start. We were quickly ushered to the direction where Dara nodded to and then we heard grunts of pain and struggling. We can't see what's happening and Bom won't even let me peek.

God, I'm so worried. I can't stand it. I can't stand it. I can't stand it.

I was freaking out and my insides are squirming due to nervousness.I was clenching and unclenching my fist to relieve some stress. I am so frustrated. I don't even know what they're doing.

"Bom, I can't stand it. I want to see if Dara's okay."

"Stay here. We're not sure if it's safe." Bom said putting a restraining hand on my shoulder and pushing me back.

"It's been 15 minutes and there's still nothing. What's happening? Was he able to take her with him?" I asked almost hysterically.

"Jiyong please calm yourself. Dara is going to be ok-" Bom was interrupted by a gunshot echoing throughout the whole port and then everything became silent. We waited for Dara but she didn't come.

"That's it. I'm going out there." Bom said impatiently.

I tried to go with her but she told hyung to keep me in place. I carefully watch as she walk out to where Dara and Donghae are, supposedly. Mentally praying that Dara is alright.

Then Bom just stopped walking with her eyes wide staring straight ahead. "Oh my God..." I heard her whisper before she put her hands to cover her mouth.

In a blink of an eye, we were by her side and there we saw Dara staring transfixed at Donghae's lifeless body on the ground. On her left hand, she's holding the gun that moments ago were poised at my temple.

"Donghae's dead." I heard Minzy mumbled gravely. But I couldn't be bothered with that. I'm just so happy that Dara is alright. I couldn't be more aware of anything else. If only I was, I would've noticed Bom, Chaerin and Minzy exchanged sad knowing looks.

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