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The start

Jiyong's POV

When Top hyung told me that Dara and the girl's left, I immediately ended the call without saying goodbye. I grabbed my car keys and rushed to Dara's house. I know her 'family' might attack me once they see my face but what the heck? I need to see her and apologize. I have to go to their house to ask for her whereabouts.

I'm aware an apology is not enough but it's a start, right? If she forgives me, I'll gladly spend the rest of my life making it up to her. I won't let her go again. 

As I walk towards the front door, I can feel my cold hands starting to tremble uncontrollably. What can I say? I'm very nervous. 

I mean, I'm a brave man but the fact that I'm setting foot in the territory of a very dangerous clan will have any man cower in fear. That and also I'm the jerk boyfriend of their princess who broke her heart to pieces.

I shakily lifted my hand to knock on the door. I knocked three times before it opened and I was welcomed by Wooyoung's smiling face."Oh, hyung! I haven't seen you in a while. What are you doing here?" He asked. 

I wasn't expecting this kind of reception so it took me a few moments to reply. To tell you the truth, I expected a gun or a knife to be thrown at me the moment the door opened. I cleared my throat and asked "I-is Dara here?" 

"No. She's staying in Busan along with the other noona's. Didn't she tell you? They've been there for almost a month now." He tilted is head and look at me in confusion.

"Err, no. We sort of..." I trailed off guiltily. I'm grateful that Dara didn't mention what happened to us to the clan but a part of me wish she did. I still can't forgive myself and I think I deserve to be beaten up. 

"You fought?" Wooyoung asked with raised eyebrows.


He was quiet for a full 10 minutes. I guess he's contemplating if he should kill me or not and as I was about to lose hope, he sighed and his smile returned. "You did, huh? Are you planning to follow her to Busan?" 

"Yes." I answered. Still wary of his reaction. 

"Well, if that's the case, I'd say you should bring some friends with you 'cause you know, if she's still angry at you, you might get killed." He stated matter-of-factly.

I laughed at that. The first time I did in weeks. He's got to be joking, right? I looked at his face and he's looking at me as if I lost my mind. Realization hit me and I instantly stopped laughing. "You're not laughing. You really think she'd kill me?" I asked incredulously.

"She might if she's angry enough."

"I see. I'll call my friends and ask them to come with me then. Do you know where she's staying?"

"I'll send the address to your phone." He said and started typing on his cellphone.

"Thanks, Wooyoung. I really appreciate it." I clapped his back and turned around to my car.

"Bye, hyung! Good luck and take care of princess." He called back.

"I will." I promised and left. I won't let her down again.

After agreeing to come with me, me and the monkeys headed to Busan immediately. Although I'm nervous, I'm happy knowing that my friends didn't abandon me for being a no show for the past weeks.

Top hyung is actually scheduled for a photoshoot *he's a part time model* today but cancelled it and told me to pick him up at the agency. I guess he misses Bom a lot too.

Youngbae agreed so he can boast that my 'awakening' is all because of his wise words.

Seungri claimed that he wants to see CL's annoying face and irritate her to death. As if I'd believe that! We all know he's crazy about her.

Daesung... Well, I really don't know. When I came to pick him up at his house, he just smiled at me and said nothing then boarded the car.

He's weird. I swear he will become a priest one day with that patience of his. 

"Hyung are we there yet?" I asked after a few hours. After 5 stopovers and 1 flat tire, my patience is running out. I want to see Dara and explain myself. Badly. I can't believe I lasted a month not talking to her. I'm really stupid.

"We're almost there, Ji." He answered calmly. After 30 minutes of my driving, the boys practically forced me to let Top hyung drive. They said we won't reach Busan with my driving but in my defense, I'm only trying to get there faster.

"Jiyong hyung! We're here!" I jerked awake. I didn't know I had fallen asleep. I groggily stumbled out of the car and went to the door. We've been knocking for 10 minutes but no one is answering.

"Hyung, maybe they don't want us here." Panda said, dejected

"Maybe they went out." Youngbae said hopefully. "Let's ask the neighbors." I surveyed the surroundings for the first time and noticed that for some weird reason, they have no neighbors. Their house is the only one here in the middle of nowhere."Huh? I guess the girls didn't want neighbors." Top hyung said looking around.

I renewed my efforts in knocking and finally resorted to banging my fist on the door. "DARA! Open up! Please! Dara!" I yelled desperately.

"Jiyong, I don't think there's someone inside" Daesung said putting his hand on mine.

When we decided that no one's inside, I sighed and slumped on the doorsteps. "Have you checked if the door's open?" Daesung asked and turned the knob at the same time. 

To our surprise, it opened. We looked at each other with wide eyes. Slowly, Daesung pushed the door open expecting to at least find someone inside but found the place deserted. "Maybe they're upstairs." Seungri said as he ran up the stairs followed by Daesung.

I slowly entered the place and looked around. I saw Dara's phone on the wooden coffee table and went to check it. There's an open message on the screen and as I lean in to read it, I froze. I heard Seungri and Daesung come down stairs and said, "No one's here."

But I couldn't care less because all I can focus on is the message on the screen.

"Dara. Warehouse. We're being attacked."

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