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Bom's POV 

It's 5:30 in the morning and here I am in my pajamas, running around like crazy. My boyfriend called me 30 minutes ago to say that he found Jiyong in a club, drunk as hell and that Dara is nowhere to be found.

I tried to contact her a couple of times but her phone is always out of reach. Alarmed, I rushed out of my apartment to search for her not even bothering to change my clothes.

I just came from her house and found no trace of her there. Phew! Thinking about entering that place unannounced gives me the creeps. Guards everywhere. Camera's. Dogs! Good thing I managed to avoid all those and was able to enter the house undetected. That's how good I am.

But Dara is not there.

I thought it'll be best not to inform her family for the meantime and try to find her first. If they find out that their precious princess is missing, all hell will break loose!

I'm jogging around the empty streets while having a conference call with Minzy and Chaerin. We're trying to track Dara's whereabouts but she seemed to have lost her phone somewhere. Really, I'm gonna make her pay once I see her. The stress she's putting me through... I'm getting wrinkles!

Where could she be?! What happened? She was supposed to be in Jeju Island right now with Jiyong so what in the name of rice is that guy doing at 5 am in a club wasted? I have so many questions I want answered but I need to calm myself and think straight so I can function properly.

I don't know what happened and haven't got the chance to interrogate Jiyong yet but if I find out that she's hurt because of him in ANY way, I don't know what I might do.

But i'm sure it won't be pretty.

For now, my priority is to find my bestfriend.

Minzy's POV

We've been searching for hours but we still can't find Dara. Bom is now going hysterical and Chaerin is already talking about peeling Jiyong's skin from his body.

As worried as I am, I'm trying to keep my cool and think about everything rationally. It's past noon and it looks like it's about to rain so we should double our efforts to search for her. Bom got information by force that Dara took a flight to Seoul last night so we're certain that she's just around here somewhere.

But still, looking for someone in a city that has a population of about 10 million people is like looking for a needle in a haystack. We're not even sure if she wants to be found.

"We just need to find her. Need to know if she's safe." I heard Bom's strained voice though the receiver in my ear. I know she's worried sick right now and so am I. It's rare for Dara to show her true emotions but when she does, she becomes so vulnerable she might do things to herself that might hurt her.

Bom's POV    

I was so preoccupied with my thoughts that I failed to notice where I'm going. I forced myself to stop running and surveyed the area.

"Huh? Why do I get this feeling that I've been here before?" I looked around my surroundings and saw a familiar brick building behind me with the sign 'Seoul Integrated School.'

Whoa, our old school! It's been so long since I've been here. I miss this place.   

For a second, I almost forgot the problem at hand and just reminisced the old times when we used to play pranks on other kids. Wait....    

Is it possible that Dara's here?        

It took me a few minutes to contemplate but since I got nothing to lose and I'm already here, I decided to search the place. I climbed the wall that will lead me straight to the playground and saw...         

No one.

I thought I'll be able to see Dara here since the playground is her favorite place when we were kids. It looks so sad especially now that it's summer vacation with no kids are playing.   

I was about to turn back when I heard someone sneeze from under the slide.  "

Dara?" I whispered. 

I slowly approached the slide and saw a girl with her head on her knees, shoulders trembling.

She's crying?

Without checking to see if it's really Dara, I kneel on the ground and gently pull the girl for a hug.  

"Bommie, he broke up with me." Dara's voice is so heartbreaking that I started to cry myself. "Shhh... Don't cry anymore. Please." I pleaded as I ran my hands up and down her back for comfort.    

"Bom, it hurts." I've never seen Dara cry this much aside from that one time when we were kids. I don't know what to do. She's always been the strong one. I don't want her to see me crying.

I have- no. I need to be strong for her.  

"I love him. He left me."  I tighten my hold on her, "Don't cry Sandara. I'm here."  

I felt her head rest on my shoulder and her breathing eventually evened out. I covered my mouth with my other hand to prevent my sobs from escaping. "Sleep for now. I'm here."

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