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Lee Donghae

"What?! Donghae? That smelly geek who used to follow Dara around?" Bom abruptly stopped her ranting when she caught sight of me. Her eyes rounded like saucers and she subtly nudge Chaerin's side to secretly point me out.

I put my finger on my lips telling them to be quiet and walked closer as to not catch any more attention.  Once I was close enough, I grabbed the nearest thug from behind and placed my arm on his shoulder playfully but still circled my other hand on his wrists to restrain him. He tried to struggle but I dug the heel of my shoes on his foot which caused him to yelp out loud. The noise made the thugs turn around and when they saw me, they all displayed stunned expressions. The one who was talking to the girls earlier opened his mouth as if to talk but no sound came out.

"Well? I thought you were looking for me?" I said with a smile. My hand's mischievously caressing the neck of the slightly shaking man next to me.  They all just stood there gaping like idiots. I figured they're all in shock so I risked glancing at the girls and lifted my eyebrows by a fraction.  

When we were kids, I wasn't able to spend much time with the girls so one day, Bommie got frustrated and pestered my dad and her parents to let her attend my defense classes until they gave up. Minzy and Chaerin followed her example and we ended up taking the class together. We learned everything from hacking computer systems to disguises and we were taught to master the art of body language. So basically, we can have a conversation and send signals without talking. It comes really handy at times but since the girls aren't part of a gang, they weren't able to use their skills much.  

"Oh, God! It's the Park princess!" One of the thugs exclaimed. And I can't hide my surprise when I noticed the admiration in his voice.  

"Shut up!" The leader slapped the back of his head and looked at me menacingly.  "It's nice of you to show up, princess. Now all we need is to tie you up and then we'll let your friends go."  

I looked at him straight in the eyes and seriously answered, "I'm not stupid. Tell me why Donghae wants me."  

"Ah, I can't tell you that. Only the boss knows." He shrugged nonchalantly.  At the corner of my eyes, I saw some of the members scramble away from us. I readied myself for the fight that's about to break out. At the same time, I pushed the thug to the other members causing most of them to stumble and fall on the floor. 

I mentally surveyed them and concluded that about 20 members were left.    

After the boys read the message on Dara's phone, Jiyong quickly called Wooyoung and told him what happened. Wooyoung tracked the girls phones and it all lead to an old, abandoned shipyard a few miles away.  "Jiyong hyung, I'll send back up but it'll take at least an hour to get there. I know it's unfair of me to ask you this but please take care of princess and her friends." Wooyoung requested gravely.  

"You don't need to ask, Wooyoung. You know how important Dara is to me and besides my friends are here to help me." I assured. 

"Thank you. Good luck. We're on our way." With that said, he hung up the phone.       

Jiyong's POV   

Once in the vicinity, we stealthily crept our way in and stopped when we heard shouting from nearby. We looked at each other and nodded. We walked a few more steps but then the boys suddenly froze and since Youngbae is walking in front of me, I collided with his back quite painfully. "Aww! Bae!" I hissed  while rubbing a sore spot on my forehead.   

When the pain subsided, I looked up and noticed the boys standing transfixed while staring ahead. I shove Youngbae aside and felt my jaw drop.  

In the middle of the shipyard is like hell on earth. There are bodies everywhere and there is an ongoing fight. I can't really recognize who's who since they're all moving so fast but I'm fairly sure Dara and her friends are here. Heck, it's like watching Charlie's Angels live. I've never seen the girls fight but I know just by looking at them that they're capable of protecting themselves. I know Dara is but I never expected them to be this good.   

I strained my eyes and easily recognized Bom with her red hair. She's against two men at the same time. Both big and bulky. Once grabbed her arm and I look at Top hyung as he stepped forward clearly wanting to help but when I looked back, I saw both guys knocked out on the floor.  I recognized the other girl as Chaerin because of her blonde hair. She standing near the edge of the port faced to faced with a guy who's wearing all black.  


My breathing stopped when a girl's scream echoed around us and momentarily caught everyone's attention.

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