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Meet Lee...

Jiyong's POV

I saw someone, a guy, standing so close to Dara I'm surprise they haven't exchange faces yet. Breathe Jiyong. Calm yourself.

I slowly approach them and heard the bastard's husky voice, "Come on Dara. We'll have a good time. Forget your boyfriend."

Holy! They know each other?! Is this the reason why Dara didn't answer my confession? She likes this guy?!

"Leave me alone. I don't want Jiyong seeing you here." Dara said irritably.

"Dara, you don't belong to that loser! You belong with me. Leave that rich guy. He doesn't belong in our world." The guy grabbed Dara's hand and forcefully dragged her towards the exit.

Before I can stop myself, I seized the guy's shoulder and punched him hard. He crashed towards a nearby table. ''Ah! F*ck! Who the hell are you? Don't you know who I am?!" I grabbed his shirt and look straight in his eyes. "You listen to me, if you touch my girlfriend again, I will kill you." The guy narrowed his eyes and suddenly smirked, "Kwon Jiyong? Kwon Jiyong? hahaha You punched me quite hard. Not bad... Not bad at all. But you just made the biggest mistake of your life. Nobody messes with me!"

I was about to smack him again when I felt Dara hug me from behind and pull me away from the crowd. "Jiyong?" I turned around to met her worried gaze. "Baby, are you okay? Did he hurt you?"

"I'm fine, Ji. Don't worry. How's your hand?" She asked as she held my hand with both of hers. "I'm okay. I-I'm sorry I got out of control."

"Don't say sorry, Ji. You were only protecting me. Thank you." Dara smiled and circled her arms around my waist, resting her face on my chest. I hugged her back not minding the people around us.

I felt the tension in my body slowly subside but still not forgetting that guy.

After a while, I felt her pull back and say, "Ji, let's go somewhere else." She didn't wait for my reply and just yank me towards the exit. Once outside, I asked her where does she want to go. "I want to go somewhere quiet and with no people."

Of course, me, being the green-minded individual that I am, felt my ears perked up when the words 'quiet' and 'no people' came up. That means we'll be alone. I can imagine my inner Jiyong rubbing his hands together while grinning like a pervert.

Which I admit, I am but ONLY A LITTLE BIT and EXCLUSIVELY for DARA. My deprived self is finally going to get some action tonight! I am, right?

B-but NO! I'm an honorable man! I should at least play a little hard to get. B-but this might be my only chance! F*ck honor! I'm so ble- "F*CK!! That freaking hurts!" I shouted while rubbing my forehead. "Who put this d*mn pole in here?!"

My inner monologue ended when I felt something collide with my forehead. It hurts! Curse that pole!

I looked at Dara and saw her wearing a smug expression. "What were you so distracted about that you failed to notice a pole in front of you, Jiyong?" I know my face is burning with embarrassment right now so I looked anywhere but at her. How could she know that I was picturing her in my *tuuuuuuut* while doing *tuuuuuuuut* and eating *tuuuuuuuut*? Tsh!!! Jiyong, you're a proud pervert so you should not be embarrassed.

I pouted and pointed at my bruised forehead, "Baby! The pole did this to me! It hurts! Kiss it! Kiss it!" I demanded while stomping my feet. I know I'm acting like a 5-year old but who cares? I'm gonna get a kiss from SANDARA PARK."

"You're such a kid, Ji." She said while pinching my nose and kissing my forehead. I smiled and envelope her in my arms tightly. ''Baby, who was that guy earlier? Do you know him? Are you close?"

"His name is Donghae and he's a successor of another clan."

"Do you like him?" It took a few minutes for her to reply but when she did, she only answered me with another question, "Why?"

I sighed. "Because I'm jealous. I told you I love you and I do-'' I was cut off when Dara kissed my lips lightly.n"I love you too, Jiyong."

I felt my eyes widen, "Wh-what did you just say?"

"I love you." I grinned and peck her lips, "Say it again."

"I love you."


'I love you."


"I love you, Kwon Jiyong."


"Yah! What do you take me for? A broken record player? I already said I love you enough times."

"But baby, I want to hear you say it over and over again."

"No, I won't say it again."

"But baby..."



"Kwon Jiyong!"

"But baby!"

And that's how we spent the rest of the night. Bickering.

It could not have been more perfect.

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