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"It's you."

Her eyes, I've seen them before. In front of a cafe a few months ago.

She was that girl.

That creepy, stalker who followed me for 2 months! This can't be happening. How come she never told me about it? Did she planned all this?

Dara lied to me.

Dara's POV

I was startled when Jiyong's eyes suddenly hardened and his jaws tensed.

"Ji?" I tried to put my hand on his arm but he moved away from me. I grew alarmed and stood up so I can look at him in the eyes.

"Jiyong? What's wrong?" He stared at me for 5 minutes straight and I can sense his anger. Tension filled the room as I waited for him to tell me what's bothering him. "Why didn't you tell me?" he whispered softly.

"Tell you what? Are you okay?"

"You knew me before we met at the bar. You're the crazy girl who's been stalking me." He gazed down at me with wide, unreadable eyes.

I froze. "J-Jiyong, I can explain."

"Explain what? Tell me, did you plan all this? When we met at the bar, did you plan that, Dara? Wait, Is Dara even your real name? 'Cause I'm not sure anymore."

"N-no, I didn't."

"Really? Are you lying to me again?"

"I didn't plan anything! I didn't even know it was you until you came to my house the next day."

"Then why didn't you tell me you knew me before that?" I was left speechless by his question. What should I say? I fell in love with you the first time I saw you and decided to stalk you? I laughed humorlessly. He's right. I am crazy.

"You lied to me." He said, his eyes burning in suppressed anger.

"Ji, I didn't mean to. I'm sorry." I tried to wrap my arms around him but like earlier, he stepped further away from my grasp.

"Is it the money?" I gasp as I felt a sharp pain lance through my body. I bit my lips to avoid sobbing as tears started to flow from my eyes. How could he think I'm after his money?

Out of nowhere, he laughed loudly. "I knew it! You're just like all of them! How stupid of me to believe you actually love me. I should have know. You're a gangster! You grew up with a bunch of money-sucking bastards! I should have known you'll be like them."

I clenched my fist tightly. I can feel my nails digging in to my skin. My whole body is shaking trying to suppress the urge of hitting him. How can he say that about my family? I may be a gangster, yes, I practically grew up on the streets. I have no proper manners but when I said I love him, I meant it.

I may have the urge to hit him for insulting my family but still, I know he has the right to be angry because of my lies.

"I think I should leave." He turned his back on me and walked towards the door. I was unable to stop myself from stopping him. I hugged him, my tears falling freely now. I can't let him leave. What if he never comes back? I-I can't live with that.

"Jiyong, please don't leave. L-Let's talk about it, okay? Please just listen to me." He grabbed my hand intending to pry my arms off of him but I held on tighter and buried my face on his back. "I love you. I really do."

He stopped struggling and let his arms fall on his side. For one fleeting moment, I thought that changed his mind about leaving me but he grabbed my hands again and roughly pushed me backwards that I lost my balance and knocked off a vase from a table.

As I fell on the floor, the vase hit my head, then the floor, and broke into many pieces. I felt a bit dizzy and saw red liquid flowing from my head but I ignored it and quickly scrambled to my feet to catch up with Jiyong.

However, since I just woke up and my feet are bare, I accidentally stepped on one of the vase' broken piece. I was unable to stifle my moan as I felt pain on my right foot. I looked down and saw my blood staining the carpet. It hurts. Not to mention, it slowed me down from finding Jiyong. I limped outside the room and saw Jiyong's back as he disappeared from view. Despite the pain I'm feeling, the pain I felt when he walked out from me was even more cutting.

I slowly went back to our room and sat on one the chairs, placing my palm on my head to stop the bleeding.

I can't blame him. This is my fault.

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