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My side

Jiyong's POV

Shit! Stupid hangover. I cracked my eyes open only to be blinded by the light streaming from my window. 

Argh! Stupid windows. After my eyes got used to the light, I stayed in bed not moving and just stared at the ceiling. My life is so fucked up. 

"Young master, you have a visitor." I heard one of our maids knocking on my door.

"I don't want to see anyone."

"But it's-"

"If you don't stop bothering me, I'll make sure you lose your job."

"I-I'll leave now, young master. I'm very sorry to disturb your sleep." I heard his retreating footsteps outside my room then everything went silent again. I covered my eyes with my arms and smirked bitterly. Fuck! I'm really ruining everything, am I? 

The maids... I'm sure they're really confuse with the way I'm acting. They must think I'm going crazy. 

I heard my door open. Without looking at it, I grabbed a pillow and hurled it at the door's direction."I said I want to be left alone." I tried to ignore the person and keep myself calm. 

Out of nowhere, I felt the pillow thrown back to my face. "Yah! Who do you-... Youngbae?"I was startled when I saw my bestfriend standing at the doorway, looking at me in disappointment. "What are you doing to yourself, Ji?"

"Go away. I don't need your words of wisdom right now."

"The boys said you went clubbing. Again. What time did you go home?"

"You're really not going to leave, are you?"

"No. So just answer my question."

"What time is it?" I asked back.

"It's already 8 am."

"4 hours ago." I answered.

"Damn it, Jiyong! You've been doing this for the past two weeks! Don't you think it's getting old?"

"Well, what do you want me to do?" I'm starting to get irritated by his nagging. I really don't want to talk about her so early in the morning.

"Why don't you just talk to her?"

"Talk to her? She'll just sprout more lies and make me a fool again."

"Ji, we get it. She lied to you. But we also know, you know, that she loves you. A lot. And you love her too. Why don't you give things a second chance?"

"I don't know, Bae. It's... difficult."

"What is?"

"Her lying to me."

"So what if she didn't tell you she knew you before the club incident? It's not like she cheated on you. You know, I'm surprised. I thought the moment you knew that she was your stalker before, you would have brag about it to everyone."

I stood up to sit on the side of my bed and rest my elbows on my knees. "I don't know... how to explain it."

"Why? Just tell me. I think you're wasting the chance of a lifetime. You need to clear your head, man."

I contemplated if I should answer him or just keep silent.. but what the hell? Who am I fooling? I do need his words of wisdom right now. "It's not really about the stalking. I couldn't care less about that, it's the fact that she lied. We've been friends since we were kids, Bae, and you know what my life is like, who I really am. My life... is a lie. I know I'm being a hypocrite being angry with her for lying when I'm a liar myself but... It's always been one of my greatest fear for someone I love to lie to me. When I met Dara, I felt free and for the first time in my existence, I was able to show her who I really am without thinking of what others might say... I don't now... I guess, what I'm saying is, she's the only truth I know. Dara... She's the only thing in my life that's not a lie. So when I found out about her lying, I just got..." I rubbed my palms on my face to stop my tears from falling. I felt the bed dip beside me and Youngbae's hand on my shoulder.

"I understand. But a piece of advice, just talk to her. Tell her what you just told me. I'm sure she'll understand. Talk to her before it gets out of hand, Jiyong. I don't want you to regret losing her."

"I... don't want to lose her too."

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