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4 years later

Seunghyun's POV

"Hyung, are you ready? Are you? Huh? Are you?" Seungri asked while jumping up and down in excitement.

"Stay still you idiot! Of course, I'm ready. I've been waiting for this day for months." I replied as I put a restraining hand on his shoulder.

"Gosh! I can't believe you're getting married today! What happened to your 'Bachelor for life' motto?" Youngbae, who's busily admiring himself on the mirror, asked.

"Yeah, I remember that. Hyung's been saying that since we were 11 years old." Daesung added from the doorway.

"Well,what can I say? I found the right girl and fell in love." I said shrugging my shoulders and returned to checking my hair on the mirror.

I smiled to myself and remembered the day I proposed to Bom. It's been such a disaster that I thought she would turn me down.


"Remind me again why we're doing this?" Seungri inquired for the nth time today as we continued shelling the stacks of corn in my room.

"Because I'm gonna propose to Bommie and this is my offering."

"You make it sound like noona's some kind of monster."

"She is. She's my Bommie monster" I smiled goofily and pouted my lips to kiss the corn pretending it's my girlfriend.

"Stop that hyung! You're creepy!" Disgusted, Seungri threw the corn he's holding in my direction, hitting me on the forehead.

"Ouch! Why you!"

"Even so, do you really have to use corn?" Youngbae butted in while waving the corn in front of my face.

"Flowers and chocolates are so common and besides, corn is her favorite." I answered nonchalantly and pushed the corn away.

"I bet instead of being happy, noona will scold you for wasting her precious food." Daesung taunted but continued with what he's doing.

"Yah! You guys might jinx it with your whining. This is a brilliant idea. Of course my Bommie won't get angry. She'll love my surprise and thank me for it." I said confidently with a big grin on my face.

"My fingers are hurting! Look, hyung!" Seungri cried suddenly as he shoved his fingers to my face.

"Stop shoving things to my face and quit whining! The less you talk, more work will be done and before you know it, we'll be done."

With that, they all shut their traps and continued working on the corns. Today is the day I'm planning to propose to my girlfriend, Bom, and I got my whiny friends to help me with it. We'll have dinner and I'm gonna ask her to marry me and of course she'll agree and then we'll spend a 'wonderful' night together. If you know what I mean.

As we were down to our last crate, Youngbae broke the silence and looked at me in confusion. "Uh, why do we have to do this anyway? Couldn't you have rented someone to do it for you?"

"Eh... You're right. Why didn't I think of that?"

"What?!" They all yelled simultaneously except for Jiyong, who's indifferent as usual.

"You could have rented someone to shell corn grains but forced us instead?" Youngbae exclaimed with narrowed eyes.

"Hyung~ This is so not cool. I had to cancel my boxing date with Chaecat." Seungri said outraged.

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