Chapter 11: Glowy Things

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Marshall's POV

I was back in my naturally sexy form and out of Fi's hat (It was nice and all but I was boiling in there plus the sun's down)
Fi was in my arms (cuz I was carrying her bridal style) and she was asleep like a baby!
Wow her face looks so peaceful but...her snore was loud!! No one's perfect I guess but to me her lil snores were like symphony!
I can even make a song out of it!
She nuzzled her face onto my chest and I chuckled.
"Marsh.." I heard her say my name.
I looked at her. Was she awake? Dreaming? Of me?
I looked at her face, cheeks pink and her mouth drooling on my shirt.
"Marsh.." She called again.
"M-Mm?" I said to check if she was actually calling me if he was awake or just sleeping.
"Marsh..stop..messing with Cake"
I gave a laugh but not so loud cuz I wanted to hear more of her dreams.


I kept listening to her adventures when something caught my eye.
Something glowing, like a firefly.
I gazed at it in awe then disappeared. Too bad for, Fi.
I looked back at where it came from then suddenly billions more of those glowing things came exploding out.
I woke up Fi to see this amazing view. Bunny groaned and rubbed her eyes. "What is it?" I looked up, making her look up too.
"Math" She breathed.
I chuckled. I flew down, dropping Fi on her feet. The glowy things came closer to us. I looked at bunny who was admiring them and in her eyes were like sparks dancing, it made me feel happy and forget about everything.
One flew up close to me.
"You like her, don't you?" I froze and turned to the what once was an admirable and beautiful thing but actually annoying. "Don't you?" It repeated. I looked back at Fi who seem to not have heard.
"And so what if I do.." I muttered
"Teehee!" It giggled as I looked at it with the 'whatever' face.
"What are you anyways?"
It stopped glowing and showed me what it actually was. A fairy.
No wonder it was so annoying.
"I can help!!" It kept babbling but I wasn't really listening.
I grabbed it by my hand to keep his squeaky mouth shut.
"Shut. Up."
"But you like her, don't you? I wanna help!"
"Ugh! Listen, even if I like her she'll still have that love for someone who's not me! So shut up!!" Wow..deep..I didn't really mean to say that out loud..
I looked at Fi who was talking to the fairies (what a relief) I glared at the tiny nuisance in my hand.
"You okay, dude? You seem hurt"
"No, I'm not! Just go play with your winged friends. It's none of your wax anyways"
"Hmph! Just trying to help" It flew outta my hand and went to play with his other infuriating friends.
I sighed and looked at Fi who was having a blast with the fairies.
Wait..she's blushing? Why is her face so red? Meh probably some girl talk or whatever. I tried to not try to listen to their conversation but something in me had the urge to know! I used my vampire hearing and listened.
"Our Lady Fionna, what do you think about Prince Gumball?" I heard the nosy fairies say.
She blushed.
"Uhmm...err..well, um.." She gulped.
They flew closer to her which made her spat out, "OKAY OKAY!! HE'S SMART, CUTE AND WHATEVER"
The stupid friggin fairies giggled and I clenched my fists. A part in me said to stop listening but the other part in me told me the exact opposite.
"What about Lumpy Space Prince?"
"What the what? Well, he's okay I guess but he's kinda annoying" Bunny answered.
Then it hit me! They're talking about would you date him n shiz!! I kept listening.
"Flame Prince?"
"We already dated and yea he's ok n shiz but I will never date him again cuz he broke my heart.. He's better as a friend."
Then I saw the annoying brat from before fly to them.
I facepalmed. "Hello, Milady"
"I heard what you guys were talking about and I want to join in!"
"Sure!" Fi said.
"What about..."
"Mm?" Fi asked.
"Marshall Lee?"
My ears moved when I heard this.
I looked at Fi who was blushing (good sign!)
"W-W-What about him?" Fi stuttered.
"Would you date him?"
She faked yawned. "S-sorry, guys but I'm kinda tired." NUUUUU!!!
"Okay!" The fairies said.
"Would you like a place to stay?" The brat asked.
"That'd be sweet. Thanks" Bunny said.
"I am Dan by the way"
"Thank you, Dan!"
I saw bunny gesturing me to come over. I floated next to her.
"We're going to stay here for the night!! Isn't it rad?!"
She jumped up and down excitedly and I nodded and smiled.
"Dude, you look pretty bummed.You okay?"
I nodded.
Dan showed us to our room.
"Wait!! We're gonna sleep together?!" I asked shouting.
"Well, yea. What's wrong with that?" Fi raised an eyebrow who still didn't know what tier 15 means. I chuckled. "Okay" We entered our room.
We examined it. The walls are like the inside of the tree, smooth, the floor was carpeted with grass and the bed was all leaf like.
Wait wait wait wait wait. One bed?!
I gulped. I looked at Fi who didn't mind not sharing a bed and who still did not know what tier 15 is. I rubbed the back of my neck.
"So uh..we'll sleep together? In one bed?" I asked.
"I guess so. I mean there's only one bed but if you want the whole bed to be yours, I'm cool with it. I can sleep on the floor-" She said, about to climb off the bed.
"NO NO NO!! It's fine!! We'll sleep together!" I blushed.
"Um okay"
I hovered over the bed next to her.
"Hey, Fi.."
I looked up at the wooden ceiling.
"Remember when you said I looked bummed?"
"Well answer my question"
"Would you date me?"
I looked back at her, her face crimson.
"Would you?" I repeated.
"Wait, You eavesdropped!!"
I ignored her question. "Would you?" I repeated again.
She hid under the leafy covers.
"I-I'm tired!"
"C'mon, Fi! You slept for like the whole day!!"
She pretend snored and I rolled my eyes. I hovered over her and pressed my lips onto what looked like her cheek. I felt her froze and the warmth rise. "Night" I said.
"ZZZZZZ" She replied.
I chuckled and looked at the ceiling, falling asleep.


Thx for reading.
Bye for now! :D

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