Chapter 37: Be nice.

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Fionna's POV


I stepped away from her and gave her a hand to help her stand.
"Surprise! Did I scare you, tomboy?" Ice Queen said, flipping her hair back.

"What the junk? Why were you trying to kidnap me?" She scratched her head, pressing her lips together in thought.

"Well...I wasn't really trying to kidnap you. I was more like trying to kidnap Leaf Prince. I heard he's adorable!" I rolled my eyes, shaking my head. I should've known, I thought laughing a little.

I feel pretty stupid. I wasn't expecting Ice Queen to drop in. I was expecting a certain vampire. I sighed following with a groan. I sat on the bed. "What's wrong, sister? Boy troubles? I can help with that!" Simone said sitting next to me.
"Nah, it's just Marshall Lee."

"Ooh, you're dating him?"

"No, but-"

"So then I can have Gumball?"


"And steal more princes?"

"No!! I'm not dating Marshall Lee!!"

"Aw, dang."
She pouted. "Alright, girlfriend, let it out!" Ice Queen said smiling, showing her sharky-teeth.

I actually like this. Having someone to talk to. Well, yeah, I have Cake and she's the best listener out there! But, you know, she can't always be there to listen to my problems, she's got problems of her own as well. I haven't been seeing her around that much lately...

"Marshall's been acting pretty weird ever since this morning and I feel like something's bugging him, and it's bugging me!" I blurted out. I can't believe I'm talking about my problems with the Ice Queen.

"Weird? Like what?" Simone asked me. I hummed, thinking.

"He was making noises this morning. Pig noises! He was squealing! And he's can't speak properly. Usually he'd be joking around but today he seemed serious. And I feel like he's avoiding me! He can't even look at me in the eyes, he looks away!" I huffed.

"Whew, sister. Calm." Simone said a little scared, patting my back. I guess I kind of scared her. "I know what's wrong with him."

"What?" I asked.

But before she could say it, Leaf Prince came in. "Hi!! Sorry, am I late?" He said worriedly. "Hey, Leaf Prince." I greeted.
Ice Queen got up, "I should go." She can't leave yet! She hasn't told me! "What, why?" I asked grabbing her arm.

"THAT CANT BE LEAF PRINCE! THAT'S A GIRL!!" Ice Queen yelled then flew away.

"Dang it, Ice Queen. I wanted to know." I mumbled. I turned back to Leaf Prince. "Let's just wait for Marshall. I'm sure he'll be back soon."


Marshall's POV

Ughrr...I should probably go back now.
I probably looked stupid in front her.

Glob damn it, Marshall Lee! Get yourself together!! I ruffled my hair in frustration and buried my face in my hands. I groaned. "UGH. WHY?!" I said out loud.

I hovered over a rock and sat in mid-air with my legs crossed, my elbow resting on my lap for my chin to rest on my fist. "Glob damn it."

I couldn't understand myself. I was angry, annoyed, sad, happy and just really confused.

Angry because I can't understand myself.

Annoyed at how I just flew away and looked stupid.

Sad because I miss Fi.

Thoughts of Fi makes me happy for some reason.

Confused of my feelings, thoughts and how everything turned out like this.

I scratched my head. I wish I had someone to talk to, someone that gets me. But that's so wad-like tho.

I suddenly smelt smoke. It was coming from behind the bushes and trees. Bushfire?
I searched for any signs of fire. Bingo.
It was Flame Prince.

I know, I know, I should be grateful and all. But no way, never will I ever talk to him about my feels. Never.

"Oh, you must be Marshall. Hello." He greets quietly. I waved. "Sup." How'd he know my name? I hardly even talk to him. I did go to the Fire Kingdom but I didn't really see him.

"In case you're wondering how I know your name, Fionna told me. She talks about you a lot, actually."

I shot up, my eyes widening. "R-really?!" I almost shouted. "Like what?" I asked. And before I knew it, I realised I was smiling. "Um, she talks about the adventures."

"T-that's all?" I held my breath. "Kay.." I breathed out. "Why, something wrong?"
I shook my head. "Nope, nothing."

"You can tell me if something's bothering you. Fionna taught me that." I chuckled. Of course she did. "Say, Flame Prince, do you still like Fionna?" I asked dumbly. Might as well just go with it.

"As a friend, I do." Flame said. "Why did you guys break up? I know about the whole fire and ice thing but Fionna didn't mean that, I'm sure you know that-"

"WHAT SHE WROTE ON THAT PAPER WAS TERRIBLE. IT RIPPED ME TO PIECES. ESPECIALLY COMING FROM HER, IT HURT ME EVEN MORE. It made me feel bad about myself, like I'm useless and a horrible being that doesn't deserve to live..."

Tears started to dribble down his cheeks. Woah, how's that possible. He's fire. How do I comfort someone when they can't drink water, not burn tissues and without burning my hand when patting their back?

"Sorry, must have,uh, really hurt you, man."
He sniffed. "Let's stop talking about her."
I nodded. "Sure. Just don't go crying again." I teased. "I won't!" he answered back.

"HEY!!! WHO BURNED MY TREES?!" Leaf Prince came flying down (like me, without wings), yelling. I pointed at Flame Prince. "Hey! It was an accident, don't go all crazy." FP said to Leaf Prince.

"I told you that you're not welcome near trees! I banned you from being close to trees!"

"It's not like every single tree is yours! Won't they die anyways? Leaf Prince, stop being so selfish. I can go anywhere I want!"

"You're banned from my kingdom."

"Fine, you're banned from mine too."

"Who says I'll visit your kingdom?"

"Children, children, stop arguing." I smacked the back of their heads. "Be nice."

Author's Note:

YOOO! Hullo!
Thanks for reading, voting and commenting!
This one's kinda short but just be grateful you got a chapter. Love you all heaps!
Cya in the next chapter!

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