Chapter 20: You Witch!

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Fiona's POV

Marshall said "The Matchmaker" is on her way.

I wonder if she really can find a girl that PG would fall for. I hope that girl would love PG back, too.

"Fi!" I turned my head to Marshall. "Yeah? What is it?" Marshall chuckled. "C'mon, Caz. Don't scare her!" Caz? Marshall looked like he was looking at something next to me so I looked. Before asking Marsh I almost jumped! "Boo!" A pale girl with long, messy black hair appeared in front of me. She wore a loose black shirt that starts at her shoulders with long red and white strips coming from where a collar should be. A skull necklace that just wraps around her neck with a black band and a red ribbon for her hair to suit her appearance.

The girl in front of me, who I think is called 'Caz', was smiling. "H-hi..." I stuttered. "Sup!" Caz replied. Marshall got in the middle of us, "Fi, this is Cazzah. She's the matchmaker." Caz rolled her eyes at Marsh then looked at me, "Just Caz is fine." She seemed nice. I smiled back, "Okay. Caz. Nice to meet you!" She nodded, showing pointy teeth.


We all chatted for a while and Caz and I already became friends! She told me how she's always wanted to meet me because of all the heroic stuff she's heard. This girl is rad. "Hey, um, Caz?" I asked. "Yeah?" She answered, turning to me. "How are you going to do it?"
"Do what?" She asked.
"You know, the whole matchmaking thing." She puts a finger under her chin as if to be thinking. "mm..." She hummed. "Pfft! Easy! Make him kiss thousands of girls! duh!!"
What. "W-what?!" I asked almost shouting. "And guys too!" She laughed. "Hah??" I asked, really confused. "Girl, I'm just kidding! Course I'm not gonna do that. Maybe. Well, why don't we go see him first? It's easier if I know what kind of girl he's looking for." Marshall came back with an apple. He missed everything. "...what?" He said as he sucked the colour from the fruit.


When we came in, we saw Gumball innocently reading a book about science stuff. "Hey, Gumwad!" Marsh shouted. But PG didn't turn or anything. "Gumwad!!!" Marshall tried again. Again, Gumball didn't seem to hear. I saw Caz twirling her finger a couple of times until sparks were made, making their way for Gumball. I gasped, "Gu-" PG dropped the book, "OWW!!" I looked at Caz who was giggling.

"What did you do?" I asked. "Oh, I forgot to tell you. Caz is a witch."
Oh my glob! A witch?! that's so cool!! "A witch?" Caz nodded and zapped me with her rad witch tricks. I squeaked but it just felt like...static? Is that it? I don't know, I forgot. I'm not fond of science junk.

Gumball was rubbing his arm, the place where he was zap attacked. "Ow...who did that?!" Caz waved at PG. "Me, you wimp!" PG glared at Caz, "And who are you?" Caz zapped Gumball again, "Oww!! Were you the one that zapped me?!" He cried. Caz nodded, laughing. "Yeah, duh! Do you think Fi can zap? Or Marshall? No! And you obviously saw me zap you, so why ask?" Gumball crossed his arms, "What are you?" Caz snorted, "Isn't that a little racist of you?"

Gumball really looked like he's about to lose his marbles. "I'm a witch, doofus!" She laughed. "A witch?" Gumball asked. "Look, do I have to repeat it again?" And again, she zapped. "A witch." Marshall and I were just quiet and watching how it's all going. I was about to say something to Marsh when we both heard glass hitting the floor.

"Good thing you missed." Caz said in, staring at the broken glass science tube on the floor. I looked at Gumball, his cheeks were puffed and hot pink. Probably because he finally lost his marbles. "You guys okay...?" I asked. Gumball looked at the floor, "You witch!!" Then ran out of the room.

What's up with him... Marshall just looked at us and said, "He just really hates wizards and witches."
OH YEA NOW I REMEMBER! PG hates anything got to do with magic cause he believes science does it all. I nodded, remembering. "Someone should tell him that throwing glass is extremely dangerous." Caz said. I giggled. "He'll be back though, right?" Marshall shrugged, "Probz. Don't know."

"Damn." Caz sighed.


We searched for Gumball around the huge castle. Nothing. My legs were growing weak! Marshall and Caz doesn't have to walk, they float! So unfair. "Guys, you're both going too fast!! I can't float like you two." Marshall grumbled, and before I knew it I was in his arms. "DUDE! I JUST WANTED YOU GUYS TO WAIT!". "Well, sorry but I can't wait." Caz rolled her eyes at us, "So when's the wedding?"
Marshall chuckled, "Mm...I don't know. I think it's a little to early for my sweetheart and I. Maybe tonight is the best time." "What??" Caz giggled, "Can't wait!" I hit Marsh's chest repeatedly, "MARSHALL!! CAZ THINKS THAT WE'RE MARRIED NOW! TELL HER WE ARENT!!" I joked. Caz laughed at my actions.

"Why? Don't you wanna?"Marshall said as he stared directly into my eyes. I gulped. "Marshall, I-" "Hey, guys. Isn't that the pink dude from earlier?" Caz pointed at Gumball sitting on a candy bench. We were outside the castle and I didn't even notice.

Marshall and I parted then made our way for Prince Gumball. " okay?" I asked in a quiet tone. Gumball looked up at me and shook his head. "Fionna?" He asked. "Yeah?"
"I want a hug." PG opened his arms for me. Maybe, he really hate witches and wizards that much and he got hurt. I hugged Gumball, "It's ok, PG. Caz isn't that bad!" I felt someone hug me from behind, "It's okay, Bunny! Marshy is here too!"

I flamed hot with anger, "Marshall! Not right now!" He let go of me as I too then parted from PG. I saw Marsh pouting. "Sorry, man but no jokes right now."

"They aren't jokes..." I heard him mumble.


It's Friday, everyone! Well, for me it is. And it's raining hard! Also, I've kept my word, which is good. Okay, cya in the next chapter!

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