Chapter 26: Your Face

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Fionna's POV

I gingerly touched my face.
It was warm from all that rubbing.
I sighed inwardly. "Okay, the make-up's gone. Now, speak."
Ugh, I was gonna show off my make-up to the Ice Queen...

"Mm..." He hummed, holding his hands behind his back like he's hiding something. Marshall started to float around me in circles, making me dizzy. "What is it?!" I yelled, getting impatient. He just annoyingly hummed, looking up. "Agh, if you're not gonna say anything, go."

He just gave me a smirk. Why the glumps is he smirking? Can't he see he's being annoying? I started walking out of the circle he was making around me but before I could leave, he floats fast in front of me. "What, now?!!"
Marshall just chuckled, "Fionna,"
ML held my hands in his, they were cold. "Wh-what are you doing?" I asked. He smirked then picked me up and threw me over his shoulders.

"MARSHALL GLOBBIN' LEE!!" I screamed, waving my arms around. I hit him repeatedly on his back, hoping it would make him drop me. But guess what? It doesn't even hurt him one bit because of his flippin' vampire powers!
He then flew us out the closest window and floated higher and higher. "Marshall!! WTG PUT ME DOWN, YOU DORK"

"No way! I have a great view of your butt from here!!" He answered back, making me hit him harder and with more anger. "I swear, Marshall. If you don't put me back down, I'll call Cake!" Well that didn't sound right... It's like calling for your mum. I take it back!! "Mm? You're gonna call your Cake?"

I growled and looked at his neck, the bite marks. "Hey, Marsh?"
Marshall didn't answer and threw me down onto some grass. Ow.
I looked at my surrounding; trees, trees and more trees. Marshall then gave a weird laugh. I think it's meant to be scary. "What's so funny?" I asked, getting up.

He took out an axe. Woah, where did that come from? "Um, when you're done with the axe, can I have a go chopping down some trees, too?" I asked.
"What?" He asked, looking confused. It's already dark, how's he supposed to see what he's chopping down? "We're gonna chop down trees, right?" He facepalmed then sighed. Did I say something wrong?
"All this was meant to be scary." He answered.


"Uh, yeah. Scary. You really scared me, vampire king!" I winked at him. He gave a bored face, "What's wrong with you? Why don't you get scared- oh! There was the one time where I did scare you!"
I raised an eyebrow. "When was that?"
"Before we met! Cake told you about vampires and you got so scared!" He laughed.

"More like, Cake scared me. Not you. I thought you were rad!"
Marshall pouted a little. "You're no fun." He crossed his arms. I patted his head then pulled a face. "No one can scare this hero!"

"Oh really?" He grinned. I gave a nod, feeling confident. Nothing can scare me! He turned his face to me and I swear I think it was too close. I wanted to step back, but his eyes were really captivating. Is this suppose to scare me? Hah. I felt him leaning closer. "You think this'll scare me?" I challenged raising an eyebrow.

He chuckled a little, "You're not scared? You're not gonna step back?" He asked. I laughed, mockingly. "Nope!" His smile grew wider then leaned a little more closer. And like if one of us speaks, our mouths would be like. Touching. I felt my face grow a bit hot of the thought. What am I thinking?! "Mar-"

Holy cow.

I'm sure you guys can guess and I'm sure it's right. Yep, he flippin pressed his dirty lips on mine. I froze for 2 or 3 seconds but then I got myself together and pushed him away. "WHAT THE LUMP?!" My face, I'm sure it's hot. My heart, is beating so fast it might stop and I'll be able to see glob world.

He laughed. "What's so funny?!!!" I asked, yelling.

"Your face!" He answered.
Very funny.


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