Chapter 18: A Wedding

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Fionna's POV

After explaining it a couple of times to Marshall, with PG clung onto me. I really felt like I was gonna faint of exhaustion at the spot. One, because I had to explain it numbers of times to Marshall, two, Gumball's clung onto me which is making my whole body ache and hard to move, and three, I didn't get any sleep yesterday while Marsh and I were still out on the quest.

"So, how are we gonna get him to the normal butt he was?" Marshall asked, glaring at PG. I tried to push Gumball away. "I don't really know... Gumball's the smart one here and usually the one that'll say a solution but, I don't think it's gonna work asking him when he's like this." I looked at Gumball who was still clung onto me. I let out a sigh. Yep, it's gonna be a long day.

Marshall floated, behind me, "What are are you doing?" I tried to look behind me, but Gumball's head was in the way... after a few seconds, I find PG being pulled away from me, he tightly clung onto my shoulders, but doing that is pulling mw with them, too. "Marshall, what are you doing?!" I shouted, angrily. "If we're going to find a soloution to this lumping problem then he's gonna have to stay away from you! I can't think with you and him in that position in front of me!" I was confused and slightly annoyed at the same time. "Gumball, please let go." PG pouted then finally lets go. Wow, I guess all I needed to do, was ask, nicely.

"We're keeping him in here!!" Marshall shouted, making me turn to him, gesturing to a cage. What. "What the glob, Marshall?! No cages!" He kicked the cage, annoyed. I thought he was kidding.. "Ugh. Fine"

"Let's look through some of his books! Maybe, we'll find a cure in there!"


Time has passed and still no luck in finding a cure. We tried to ask Gumball a couple of times but he was no help. All he did was describe how pretty I look, though I didn't buy it. And everytime Gumball would look at me Marshall would give him a glare and floated closer to me, this I didn't get.

It was getting dark and I really wanted to sleep in the bed that I have missed for so long. I yawned. Gumball walked up to me and asked, "Are you tired, my beautiful Fionna?" I shook my head. "Fi, go get some rest. I'll find it-" I cut him off, "No! I'm not tired! I'm gonna help-" I yawned and Marshall chuckled. "You sure~" He asked, teasingly. "No..." Gumball gave a fake cough. "I can take her to bed!" He raised his hand up to volunteer. "Heck no, Gumwad. No"

Gumball crossed his arms, pouting. "And why not?" He asked childishly. "Well, Duh! I can't trust you! Who knows what you're going to do to her!! Especially when you already brought her to your room at that party once!!"
"Marshall, how many times do I have to tell you? It was the Ice Queen!!" I butt in.
"Well, he still might do it." He shrugged. Gumball gave a sigh, "I'll call pep to bring a bed here so then you won't have to worry." Marshall looked away as Gum called Pep. I looked down, sighing.
What is it with those two?
Why can't they ever get along?


I jumped in bed and shut my eyes, pulling the covers over my head.
I then felt something heavy on top laying on top of me. "Agh!! Get off!! Too heavy!!" "GET THE LUMP OFF HER!!" Then the huge weight got off and ran. I pulled off the covers. "W-who...was...that?" I said between panting. Marshall glared at Gumball. I guess it was him...I guess there's no helping it, he did drink the juice. Which was Marshall's he shouldn't be mad! It was his fault after all!! Agh I'll tell him tomorrow. Right now, my eyes are begging to shut the blinds.


I woke up with BMO in my arms and Marshall in Gumball clothes. Except, they were black. Strange, Marshall won't wear fancy stuff cause he thinks they're too girly. Mirrors were all around us and I saw hundreds of me in a big white dress. What.. Then I looked at Bmo again, she wore the same little headband from Mrs. Pigs and Tree Stump's wedding.

Who's getting married...

Then I saw the cosmic owl in front of Marshall and I. Marshall was leaning over and we were just inches apart from kissing!!

I got up, hearing my heart pound through my ears. My hands sweating. I looked at Marsh who was asleep in a pile of books.

Cosmic Owl...Wedding...Marshall

What the shiz biz?! I clenched my chest, the spot where my heart was rapidly beating.

Why was the cosmic owl there?


Sorry, for not updating for so long. I've been working on a different story and I just have so much stories I wanna read in my library that I just didn't have the time.

I missed you guys all so much!
I really thank you guys, for reading and supporting me along the way! They make me wanna write more, you know?

Can't thank you guys enough!

What do you think the cosmic owl meant in Fionna's dream?

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