Two: Orion!

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"I only just joined the team," Artemis informs me, walking through the hall from my room. "We fought the shadow, it was pretty awesome."

"The Shadow? That is so cool!" To say I am excited is an understatement! I am so used to people who are way older than me due to these past six months. To finally talk to someone that is only one year older is...awesome.

The others were a year, or two years older than me. Robin and I were the same age. "So you've heard of them?"

"Yeah, encountered them once with John and Hal, in Australia. They tried to harvest power and knowledge from the base there."

They came to the lounge, which Star had not been to yet. "So you guys here?"

"Some of us do, I don't. I stay with my Mom." Artemis sat down on the couch and I followed.

"I live with my parents too, what about you babe?" Wally grinned, chugging down some milk in the adjoined kitchen. How could I put this properly?

"My Mom was an Emerald Star but..."

I held my hand up with a sigh, showing my ring by pulling back my glove. I guess there are a few things I shouldn't keep to myself, "but this is her ring. You see my mother was killed when I was young, and she and Hal were close, being nephew and aunt, so I have been in Hal, his wife and John's care ever since."

Everyone stopped and stared at me, and I felt uncomfortable. To fix this I smiled. "I-It's okay though! I mean...I hardly remember anything..."

I laughed awkwardly, and finally someone spoke. "Where do you live then?" Oddly, this question was from Superboy, but I welcomed it with opened arms.

"With Carrol, Hal's wife. Or on Oa."

Then it was awkward. Hardly been here for an hour and it seems to be fine, but these guys don't act like the League, which is good. 

 "So if you know the League how come we've never met you?" Robin, who was sitting on a spinning chair at the bench asked.

"I know of you. You're mentor's talk about you a lot, but I only really met one of you." This seemed to surprise them and spark their interests.

"Who?" M'gann asked.



"She'll be fine, John," Bruce Wayne said to his friend, who watched the retreating form of the little girl he once had to teach to read and write.

"I can't help but feel..." He did not know how to explain it.

"Overprotective," Batman concluded, knowing that he felt the same way when Dick's parents died.

"She still seems like a little girl," John said, more to himself. "Because she acts like one," And though Hal meant that as a joke, he was right. 

Meanwhile, in the lounge, everyone stopped what they were doing abruptly and looked at Hanabrie. "You know Speedy?" KF exclaimed, jumping up and pointing at her.

"Duh? In fact, where is he?"

Everyone gave eachother shifty looks. Hanabrie realized this may have not been a good topic, and so she thought hard for something to distract everyone with.

And then she remembered. "Orion!" She exclaimed, before suddenly shooting up and sprinting out of the room. Confused, the Team followed her back to Batman.

"Battsy! John! Hal! I forgot about Orion! My poor baby is wondering out there in the cold...sad...alone..." The black haired girl fell to her knees dramatically.

"I'm sorry but...who is Orion?" Artemis asked, and Hanabrie suddenly recovered from her state and stood up with a bright smile.

"Orion is my little alien!"

Suddenly realizing that her comment may seem offensive to Miss Martian and Superboy, she raised her hands in defence. "N-Not that aliens should be kept as pets or anything! first assignment as a Lantern was to rescue the last two Morphamegus Possums from this planet. They had been captured by someone who wanted to sell them. They remembered me and when I visited them the next time, one of their pups followed me to the constellation Orion's belt. So I named him Orion!"

The Team tried to understand and imagine what this 'Orion' would look like. "Was that the planet Zooenus?" Miss Martian asked with a smile.

Hanabrie nodded eagerly. "I've bee there! But, no. This was Faunataw...but I left Orion with-"

"Recognized: Orion Star, C01. Carrol Jordan, A04, Authorization Green Lantern Hal Jordan, 05."

Carrol walked in with a fluffy, dark green possum in her arms. "Orion!" Hanabrie cheered, opening her arms wide for the creature. Hearing his Lady's voice, the possum lept out and ran for her.

It was no bigger than a kitten, and rested on her shoulder perfectly. "What designation is C?" Hanabrie asked Batman.

"C is for assisting animals," was his answer. Hanabrie frowned at him, "Pets, Batman, pets."

She turned to her new team, "Orion, this is the team we're joining. Team, this is Orion Star!" She said brightly, holding the fluff ball as tight as she could.

Orion inspected M'gann curiously, before leaping onto her. She shrieked, but then laughed, before Orion excitedly inspected everyone else.

 He found a comfortable spot on Superboy's head before curling up and falling asleep.

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