Forty One: Angry At Me

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“Star?” Captain Marvel gently shook Hana, who looked asleep in his arms. It did surprise him slightly that the team ignored her condition and instead paid more attention to Zatanna, but he knew they knew she was distraught from losing her Father.

“Star!?” He said a little bit more urgently. This caught everyone’s attention.

“What happened to her?” Batman asked, scanning her.

“Witch Boy summoned Dark Faery only…” Artemis trailed off. “She was different than before. Really powerful. When I woke up, I saw Dark Faery-“

“That’s just it. She’d not Dark Faery now. Klarion called her…Chaotica,” M’gann interrupted.

Batman realised this was the weapon Hana had spoken about.

“Well, ‘Chaotica’ used some weird magic that really hurt Em. It burnt here skin but he suit covered it,” Wally explained. “But I don’t know…there was something strange about her fighting today-“

“No there wasn’t!” Artemis, Zatanna, Aqualad, Miss Martian and Superboy shouted.

Robin and Kid Flash stared at them in surprise. 

“She blocked us off in a dome and you didn’t command her to release us!” Robin yelled at Aqualad.

“Star and I had planned that! Her defences are the only force that protect us from his magic, therefore making her the ideal one to launch attacks on him. She was protecting us from the cross-fire!” Kaldur said back.

Wally and M’gann stood in front of Captain Marvel. Kid reached out and gently touched her shoulder, were he knew she was hit.

What he did not expect was for Hana to convulse and scream upon the contact.


Get rid of it!

“Now why would I do that, Brie?”

Stop calling me that! It’s Emerald Star to you Witch Boy!

He grabbed my face so tight his claws dug into my cheek.

“What did I tell you about calling me that?”

I remained silent as my eyes snapped open.

Immediately I recognised the med-lab’s ceiling. The bed beneath me was soft. My arm was bandaged and I believe my leg was too.

“You’ve been out for three days,” a voice startled me. I sat up, hearing my back crack. Hal was there in his uniform, without his mask.

Light of the Midnight: My Own Star (A Young Justice {Robin} Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now