Three: Sky

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It was late, but I was really pumped and jumpy; probably the result of the cola I had half an hour ago. 

So far I loved it. I loved the feel..the aura...the good. It left my heart without that heavy retractive feeling. I felt light, I felt like my old self.

"You're still awake?" Robin walked into the lounge, and I smiled and nodded.

"Usually out fighting crime and stuff at this time, on or off Earth," I explained smiling as Orion leapt onto Robin.

"Bruce talks about you a lot," I informed, standing up and stretching. The boy patted Orion softly, as he sat on his shoulder comfortably. "...what does he say?"

"That your were a born leader." 

He gave me a doubtful look behind that mask. "You don't seem.... you're not..." Robin fumbled over his words.

"You seem like the perfect example of ... don't judge a book it's cover."

I blinked innocently at him. "Um, thank you?" I grinned awkwardly.

"N-no! I just seem different on the outside, until you get to"

I laughed, walking past him. "But you don't know me, so how can you tell?" I said it kindly even though it might not sound like the kindest sentence.

Surprisingly he smiled, "How about you tell me, while we go out to find someone to save?"

I stopped and jumped excitedly. "Really!? Awesome! Just, let me get changed, I'll be back!" I sprinted from the lounge and down the hall, leaving Robin confused.

When I came to my new room, which had only boxes in it, I practically ripped my normal clothes off and grabbed my Emerald Star uniform.

My shoes were green ankle boots with small heels, and thigh high green and black striped socks. I had dark green shorts on and a black fitted long sleeve shirt.

Then there is the main part. I reached out for my dark green sleeveless hoodie that had a big green emerald on it's chest and a huge light green star on the back with a hood.

I pulled it on and then reached for my mask, also green, and shaped like a star. The two bottom points wrap around my cheek bones. The two side points and the middle are for my eyes, and the top point sticks up to complete it.

I squealed quietly with excitement, before running back out to Robin enthusiastically. "Let's go!" I cheered, running out of the base dragging him by the hand behind me.

I sighed with content when we hit the cool air outside. "I love Earth, it has the best weather," I said, looking up at the dark sky. I turned to Robin, "So you have the same skills as Batman, right?"

Robin smiled and nodded, but then frowned, "how did you know that?"

I stopped and my eyes widened. "U-Um well I..." This is a point were I had to lie. My answer can't be 'Oh, because we've fought before'!

"Batman told me!" I rushed, before laughing nervously like I always did to deplete tension. He gave me a suspicious look, like he didn't believe me.

"What about you? Same powers as Green Lantern?" He asked quietly and we stalked through the streets. I laughed, "No, you see I'm not a Green Lantern. My ring is of the Teal Hearts, something the Guardians of the Universe created. We're just not as powerful as the Green Lanterns is all.'

Robin contemplated this when we reached the ladder of a building. He gestured for me to climb it, "Ladies first," he smiled.

"Ah, a gentlemen. However I find ladders to be boring."

I smiled, taking his hand and flying up to the roof. "Awesome!" He exclaimed when we landed. "W-Wait, so what can you actually do?" He asked me.

I sighed and remained flying. "Think manna. Like a green energy, kind of like what the Lantern's can do, but I can't shape it into an actual object, at least not yet. I can throw it, use it as a shield. Obviously I can fly, and most importantly I can-"

I cut myself off. No. That will blow my identity open. "I...can...fight! I love gymnastics and believe it or not, hand to hand combat!"

"Hand to hand combat? Reckon you could beat me?" Robin grinned, and I smiled. "I won't fight a comrade unless it's training."

I looked up at the stars. "It's interesting. I'm not used to seeing them this far away," I wondered aloud. Robin said nothing, but also looked up at the sky. 

An alarm went off in the distance, and without a word both Robin and I were jumping along the roof tops in the way to the sound. "You better let me know now," he called to me whilst tossing an earpiece at me.

I put it in and waited for him to continue. "Got any weaknesses?"

We reached the destination to see a group of people robbing the bank, one person in particular leading. "Water," I whispered to Robin. "Water, the colour yellow heart."

"You're heart?"

"Yeah, Hal says I'm too nice."


The boy watched. He watched with the most aggressive jealousy possible, that even his familiar sensed it.

All his life, he had gotten whatever he wanted, and he could not quite understand why he couldn't have her too. "Come, Teekl. We have work to do."


Light of the Midnight: My Own Star (A Young Justice {Robin} Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now