Fourty: Chaotica

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So this should be finished by Friday :) There are about fiteen chapters to go :D Stay Magical!


I pushed Karion away and ran through the dome wall. I leaned down to Robin.

“Eveileb ti si maerd,” I commanded. He groaned uncomfortably. I put my hands over his eyes and kept whispering ‘Og to peels’.

“H-Hana…where you just kissing that creep?” Wally said tiredly from beside me. Without bothering with the first spell, I put him back to sleep.

I stepped out of the dome again.

“Interesting. You’re stronger than I remember. You cast those spells without singing,” Klarion noted.

“What is it that you’ve put in his neck, Witch Boy?” I yelled.

He glared at me and reacted so fast I had no time to defend. Red energy wrapped around me and dragged me up towards him.

“You’re going to call me by my name, or WB from now on,” he began, running a black claw under my chin. “Or I just might have to use the self destruct I’ve put inside your little boyfriend.”

My eyes widened with rage and fear. Self destruct magic. A magic that infects the brain with a need  to destroy itself. In short; a suicide command.

I gritted my teeth and electrocuted him. He dropped me and landed on my hands, flipping away. My palm opened to the dome.

“Maet nekawa!” I yelled. The seven of them sat up right as I shot a beam of mana at Witch Boy. He respond by shooting red energy back at me.

The two streams connected and I flew up to get an advantage.

“You know guys, I could use some help here!” I yelled, intensifying my force.

It was beginning to overtake his, when I heard Klarion recite a spell. I failed to understand it, except for the words ‘ecom (come)’ and ‘retsam (master)’.

“Hana look out!” Superboy yelled, before whatever Klarion had done crashed into me and knocked me into the floor; hard.

Moving around in the gravel I had created, I looked up to see Dark Faery floating above me, only she looked so much different it was scary.

The freak had dressed her in some weird yellow leotard. Her skin glowed yellow like mine glowed green. I then realised she had been created to destroy me.

There was a reason behind my dislike for yellow. That reason was; it’s weakness. Yellow weakens the ring’s power. Klarion had done this so I would be forced to use Midnight mana.

I flipped myself up and kicked Dark Faery.

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