Forty Eight: Still Care

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“He…he wants me to help?” I asked Conner in a confused tone. I was sitting in the sanctuary hanging up christmas lights in the trees with magic.

“Yeah. There’s a briefing…like now, Hana,” he told me. Robin had received a mission from Batman. They organised a team that involved me. 

I suited up and walked with Superboy back to the mission room. All eyes turned to me and I wanted to shrivel up and die under Dick’s gaze.

The others found out what happened from clone Hana. Artemis and Conner were furious with Robin, whereas the others remained neutral to the situation.

He remained emotionless as he began explaining. I vaguely wondered why Bats wasn’t briefing us, but listened closely anyway.

“Advanced Weapons tech has been stolen from manufacturing plants throughout Europe. And each theft coincides with tour stops made by the Haly Circus.”

I straightened up and my eyes widened. The Haly Circus, where Robin grew up. Where I was when my mom…

“Batman’s sending us undercover to catch the thief,” Robin concluded. Undercover, as in we pretend to be from the circus? That’s awesome! I always wanted to-

“This clown car have room for one more?” I stared at Speedy in surprise. M’gann had mentioned he’d been around the cave in the past few weeks. Since I’m a hermit, I stayed in my room.

“Emerald Star,” Speedy said, as the group moved out to the bio-ship. We hung back and I glared up at him.

“Heard your attempts to keep your secret…were a failure,” he smirked. It took everything I had to not break his face my my shoe.

“Heard your attempts at joining the league caused you to have a tantrum like a bratty little kid,” I replied nonchalantly, walking up the ramp into the ship.

“And you would know all about bratty guys who like to have tantrums, wouldn’t you?”

Before we went onto the bridge, I turned around and glared at him. “Listen here you shady, overgrown, bratty baby, I could knock you on your backside with one mana disc before you could even lay a finger on one of your arrows.”

My offences sound lame, but I don’t like swearing.

“We’ll see. Especially,” he leaned forward like Klarion does, “if you’re the mole.”

So that’s how my callisthenics and acrobatics came in handy. We were now part of the Haly circus as the ‘Daring Dangers’.

“Dan Danger!” The spotlight cuts to Robin, he swings on the trapeze like I remember he did, back when he was part of the flying Graysons.

At the same time, M’gann was on the other side, doing the same thing. “Dawn Danger!” Haly introduced her.

Light of the Midnight: My Own Star (A Young Justice {Robin} Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now