Forty Three: Fighting For Qurac

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Kaido: You're all amazing! Superboy hugs all of you!

Superboy: Yeah; that's not happening.

Kaido: Yep.

Superboy: Nope.

Kaido: Not even for a Miss Martian figurine?


I reached up behind me and grabbed the front of his shirt before flipping him over the couch.

“Ow! C’mon!” Garfield complained as I caught him in mana before he hit the ground. “That’s the fifth time!”

On our way to Qurac, we came across the Logan Animal Sanctuary. A bunch of Bialyan tanks crushed some fences there and caused a stampede.

We ended up saving them. Much to Robin’s reluctance, we helped a sick oryx and an injured wilder-beast to the sanctuary’s clinic.

Garfield was the owner, Marie Logan’s son. He made a comment about how I was too small to be the real life Emerald Star, and that when he saw me on the news, I was a lot taller.

So I challenged him. If he can sneak up and get the drop on me, I’d give him a pet alien. So far he had failed every time. 

It was good to be so close to Robin. He discreetly had his arm around my waist inside my cape. We were in the Logan’s living room.

Garfied went looking for some tape that had a TV show on it his mom was in. I already knew it was the show M'gann watched. I can hear it from her room at night time.

“Hello Megan; the pilot episode!” The boy announced, taking out the tape and blowing dust off of it. He turned around and went to out it in the VHS.

Wally made some stupid comment, before Superboy yelled out and turned around. "Aircraft,  headed this way." Robin jumped up urgently.

Stupid aircraft. I followed the boys out, vaguely hearing Robin tell Garfield to stay put. Off in the sky, three aircrafts were coming this way.

The loud noise of firing made my ears ring. Priority became M'gann and Marie who were waking over here. M'gann shielded Mrs Logan and I create a shield dome around them.

When the bullets passed, I spotted Garfied over in the barn. "Garfield what are you doing!" I yelled, flying towards him. I was too slow, and clearly Wally was not paying attention.

"It's okay, I got the animals out!" He yelled. The force of an explosion threw me back mid-air. I acted quickly, grabbing one of the jest with mana and flinging it as far away as I could.

Simultaneously, I caught Garfield on a platform and brought him into my arms. His head lolled to the side. Normally I would panic, but being the medical officer I knew what to do.

I flew him down to his mother. She took him and yelled at Robin about there being consequences.

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