Twenty One: Another Loss

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So with myself, Cyra and Guy driving, we sped off into space. A com opened on the screens.

“In the compartments in the passenger seats should be the bugs to shut down the shields.” Wally reached under his seat and pulled out a case. In it were three bugs, two for back-up.

“Do we have a plan B?” Artemis asked.

“Yes. In my placid cycle is a detonation sequence. It’s better we blow up their ships than they blow up our earth,” Cyra replied, and her com went off.

M'gann opened up a psychic link, and Des commanded everyone to maintain radio silence, and to turn their bikes to camouflage.

Yori are not accustomed to martian tech, so when Wally and I followed the plan to land on the ships belly, it was safe.

Looking around, everyone else made there ascent safely. The bikes are designed to cut through material silently and leave an opening.

When a hole was drilled, the bike attached to it, stopping the space vacuum. I flew up into the ship quietly, and leaned down to help Wally up.

‘Did everyone end up in the supply system room by following their map?’ Des asked in our heads.

‘Depends,’ I replied. ‘Is it a giant room with a tank full of goo in it?’ I thought, as Wally and I remained concealed behind a wall.

‘Yes. Team A have you made it?’

‘We’re in,’ Guy replied.

‘Team B?’ 

‘Ready and waiting,’ thought Wally.

‘Team C?’


‘I too am in. Miss Martian, Robin, are you in position?’

‘We are.’

There was silence for a while. ‘Wait,’ Des commanded. I frowned.

‘What is it?’ several of us asked.

‘I here two of the Yori talking,’ Des said. It was quiet for a while. Wally frowned at me and I shrugged.

‘Hurry! Take the shields down now!’ Des commanded. Wally pressed the red button on our deployer and throw it at the white shield on the other side of the tank.

‘Return to your cycles! Now!’

I shoved Wally into out bike and jumped in after him. The bike replaced the piece it cut out and dropped away into a safer distance. The other Teams joined us and I could see the Bio-Ship flying, and everyone checked in.

Light of the Midnight: My Own Star (A Young Justice {Robin} Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now