Thirty Three: Too Many Failures

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“Miss me?” I joked, only his expression turned serious. He knew I knew he missed me.

“How’s Wonder Brat and the rest of your new friends?” He chided, walking towards me with his arms folded.

“You know I’m not here to talk about that,” I glared.

“Yes, well. I hope you have a reason other than ‘to destroy Witch Boy’s House’,” he growled, gesturing to his trashed house.

“Stay out of my dreams. You’re screwing with my mental health now, and my relationship. It’s obsessive and gross. Understand?” I growled.

He being a Lord of Chaos and myself being both a Teal Heart and a Lady of the Night Sky, we were evenly matched.

We both knew we’d kill each other in the process of a fight. 

“Why would I stay out of your dreams?” He grinned, putting his mansion back together with magic. “How else do I get to see and toy with you?”

“Simple; you don’t,” I stated. 

“But I want to see you,” he whined.

I would be lying if I said I didn’t miss him, because I did. Though he betrayed me, I had some of the funnest times of my life with Klarion.

“Besides. Wonder Brat has nothing on me,” he mumbled, fixing a wall. I hated it when he used Earth slang.

“This is ridiculous WB! You betray-“

In a red flash he kissed me, grabbing my hands. For a moment I felt like the real Midnight, placing a hand on his shoulder.

No. This is cheating! I pushed him and away but he kept a tight grip on my wrist. His cold, clawed hand went to my cheek and he grinned at me, looking ultra creepy.

“I missed you calling me WB,” he grinned, leaning in to kiss me again.

Something screamed. Someone. A girl. I went to the basement door but he jumped in front of me, smirking and shaking his head.

“For my eyes only,” he informed. He had a prisoner. I needed to help her. So I went back to my Midnight self.

I smile at him and stand on my tippy toes. Why is he so much taller than Robin? 

My nose touched his and he jerked back. Instead of doing the same, I looked into his eyes and surged mana into my iris’, making them flash blue with power.

Power. That’s what he loves. So he kissed me again, which was exactly what I wanted. Whilst my left hand went to the back of his head, my right reached out him and grasped the door handle.

I opened it without him noticing. That was good, because I began dragging him back. He took this as an indication to pin me against the wall.

Light of the Midnight: My Own Star (A Young Justice {Robin} Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now