Eleven: Good Lantern Bad Lantern

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"You two look cozy," said Wally first. The team minus Aqualad stood there, along with Batman, Martian Manhunter, Black Canary, Red Tornado and worst of all; Hal and John.

I felt like a deer caught in the headlights. Robin, however, seemed unfazed and kept an iron grip on my hand, so I didn't complain.

"Are you guys dating?" Artemis questioned.

"No," Dick and I answered, possibly a little to quickly.

"Dude, you're holding her hand, and her shopping," Wally said, speeding in between us and putting his arms around the two of us.

"Aww that's so cute!" M'gann cooed, flying towards us. Finally, Dick and I let go of each others hands, and took two steps apart.

I used emerald mana to take the bags off of Dick, and began walking out of the mission room. Automatically, I knew Hal and John were following close behind.

When we reached the lounge, I placed the six bags on the sofa, and turned around to glare at them. They glared back twice as much.

I soon realized being angry wasn't going to work, I decided I had to be cute and sad. "What? Aren't I allowed to have a little happiness too?" I asked quietly, managing to let fake tears pool in my eyes.

It melted John straight away. "Of course you are," he said softly.

Not Hal. "Woah, what kind of happiness are we talking about here kiddo?" He questioned with a distrustful frown. It took mere seconds for me to figure out what he meant.

My cute expression was taken over with disgust as I threw a cushion at him.

"You weirdo! I'm not stupid! Hal, we just went shopping, okay! Happy Harbour is big and I've never been there in the day. Dick just helped me with my shopping."

"Oh great, so they're on first name basis!" I looked at Hal for a moment, and his face faltered for a moment. Oh, he was messing with me.

I commanded a mana whip to whack him, but a lantern shield protected him and he began laughing. I glared darkly at him.

"This is why John is my favourite!" I yelled, and wrapped my arms around John who chuckled. 

I then remembered what I asked Robin earlier, and looked up at John. He stared back down at me, and seemed to recognise the look in my eyes as, 'I want something'.

"What do you want?" He asked me straight out.

I stepped back and looked at the floor shyly. "Well, it's just...I miss Lana. And Carrol. So I was wondering if...tomorrow...could I Zeta to Star City for a visit?"

This seem to surprise them. They looked at each other, and then back at me.

Light of the Midnight: My Own Star (A Young Justice {Robin} Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now