Fifty: Bitter Sweet Christmas

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I do not own Young Justice. If I did it'd still be going. I also don't own the story told in this chapter (The Aya Wars)

Starts of sad, gets better :) Also, bout five chapters to go!


“Teal Hearts that beat as one
I will protect, for the time has come
See me shine from near and far
For this is the light of the Emerald Star!”

Energy surged into my ring, which it ate up quickly. The poor thing had taken quite a bit of damaging when parasite absorbed my powers.

M’gann opened an entrance to the Bio-ship, so I climbed in and sat in my seat, yawning. 

“It’s Christmas eve,” I said absent-mindedly. 

“Hey, everyones coming over for lunch right?” M’gann asked. 

“Count me out,” Red Arrow said.

“You can’t be counted out if you were never counted in,” I mumbled, though I’m sure everyone heard me.

“Oh, Hana? She says you left your phone here,” M’gann said. I frowned at her, before my phone dropped into my lap. I looked down at it.

“Thank you bio-ship,” I mumbled, turning it on. “I got a call from my Nanny’s elderly home,” I said loud, deciding to call back later. A question came to mind. “Hey, M’gann. Was this ship in the great Aya War?” I asked.

The Bio-ship suddenly shook. My head snapped to the wall beside me. “Um…yes, she was,” M’gann answered. I suddenly felt uncomfortable.

“What that?” Artemis asked. 

“Long story short; an artificial intelligence became a living creature against all odds and fell in love with a red lantern. She had her heart broken by him and turned off all emotion, prompting herself to become an unstable psychopath intent on wiping all life from the universe. Upon fining her emotions again, she downloaded a virus within herself and all artificial intelligence ships in the Green Lantern Core, destroying them all. That’s why I have the Denominator now.”

Truth be told; it was Hal’s ship that became a living creature. A friend of his was the Red Lantern, but he’s blue now.

The Bio-ship landed back in the HOJ hangar around the late afternoon. We had been gone for about four days and I was desperate to see Orion.

Stepping into the lounge room, I was faced with a different visitor. Carrol was sitting on the sofa, the rest of the team there as well.

“Um, hi?” I said, sending my uniform away. She stood up, a grave look on her face. Maybe I was in trouble for staying in my room so much?

“What is it?” I asked quietly, stepping forward. The team seemed quizzical as to why she was here too.

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