Twenty Six: I Am Not

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Well done to Moonlightdaydreams, Marvel_ous_101 and CathieeTerriea - Hana adores croissants! :D

I hope you like the dream sequence in this. It was hard to put togehter T.T I have worked it out; in order to finish this story by the end of my school holidays I need to write three chapters a day. Easy.


Wally gave me a stupid look. “Why are you smiling like that?” He asked.

“Because I know we’re going to be fine,” I concluded

“Glad you know. Way to put on the pressure,” Robin’s voice came out of the birdarang. He began stating his plan to take out the Reds

Wally began talking Robin and Artemis through the process. It sounded strange. He sounded smart, which in Wally’s case was rare.

We came up with an idea to distract the Reds.

“Hey! Red Tomato! Who’s your girlfriend? Red Onion?” Wally began.

The boys began throwing insults. “You know you broke the wrong hand right? My ring is on the other hand you stupid piece of scrap metal!” I yelled.

When we began taunting them about their attempt to trap Megan, Red Torpedo noticed Robin.

A wave began to build itself. “Robin look out!” I screamed. He had no time to evade. The wave crashed him off of the grid.

Artemis backed away as the reds attacked her. It was so annoying feeling useless like this!

“Artemis!” I yelled out as the opening was blasted with fire by Red Inferno.

I was forced to watch in horror as a stream of water emerged with Robin inside. "I'm sure he's fine Hana!" Wally whispered to me, noticing my distress.

Control you breathing, I told myself.

The water dropped, leaving Robin scrawled across the floor like a rag doll. It was all up to Artemis now. It was her job to save us.

"Aqualad?" I called out to the fire cage. He said nothing. "Aqualad!" The silence was deafening. The boys looked at me with fear in their eyes. My expression only mirrored theirs.

"Three minutes," Red Torpedo announced.

"C'mon Artemis..." I whispered. I moved around in my position, only for my hand to hurt even more. I grunted and squeezed my eyes shut.

"You're a med-head, can you tell how broken it is?" Wally asked.

"As far as I can tell from the pain, my trapezoid, trapezium and scaphoid are crushed. That's the base of my thumb- not good," I answered.

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